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Centos .netcore找不到框架“ .NETFramework,Version = v4.6.1”的参考程序集

[英]Centos .netcore The reference assemblies for framework “.NETFramework, Version=v4.6.1” were not found

I have a C# .NET app that is currently running in Windows Server 2012. I wish to move that app to run on Centos with .NetCore installed. 我有一个当前在Windows Server 2012中运行的C#.NET应用程序。我希望将该应用程序移动到在安装了.NetCore的Centos上运行。 When I try to run the app using dotnet run --project 'foldername' I get the error 当我尝试使用dotnet run --project 'foldername'运行应用程序时,出现错误

The reference assemblies for framework ".NETFramework, Version=v4.6.1" were not found 找不到框架“ .NETFramework,Version = v4.6.1”的参考程序集

The FW is available from MS but they are in .exe. FW可从MS获得,但它们在.exe中。 How does one install that FW on Centos .NetCore. 如何在Centos .NetCore上安装该固件。 Basically, how do I upgrade my FW on Centos .NetCore 基本上,如何在Centos .NetCore上升级我的固件

You have to convert your .NETFramework projects to .NETCore and .NETStandard projects, than you can use the created .dll-s in CentOS with the .NETCore. 您必须将.NETFramework项目转换为.NETCore和.NETStandard项目,然后才能在CentOS中将创建的.dll-s与.NETCore一起使用。 Where you can, I recommend the .NETStandard, because you will be able to use it everywhere later (.NETCore, .NETFramework, Xamarin, UWP). 在可能的地方,我建议使用.NETStandard,因为以后您将可以在任何地方使用它(.NETCore,.NETFramework,Xamarin,UWP)。

I suggest you, to make some research in the topic. 我建议您对这个主题进行一些研究。

.NET Standard: .NET标准:

.NET Core 2.0: .NET Core 2.0:

Porting to .NET Core: 移植到.NET Core:


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