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[英]Returning nothing in function if condition not met?

I've been using Zapier's Code Steps to write code that sends variable information to the same Webhook. 我一直在使用Zapier的代码步骤来编写将变量信息发送到同一Webhook的代码。 I figured out how to do that when information needs to be sent however I only want the code to send the object(s) to the Webhook when the buy condition is true. 我想出了当需要发送信息时该怎么做的方法,但是我只希望代码在购买条件为true时将对象发送到Webhook。 If buy is not true I want it to return nothing. 如果buy不正确,我希望它不返回任何东西。

fetch('https://hooks.zapier.com/hooks/catch/974762/krbqch/', { method: 
'POST', body: "Coin:"+coins[i].coin +",Value:"+coins[i].currentValue 
+",Buy:" +coins[i].buy+",Sell:"+coins[i].sell+",Date:"+currentDate})
    .then(function(res) {
        return res.json();
    }).then(function(json) {
    }).then(function() {
    callback(callback(null, {}));

If the buy condition is false I will get an error of "Error: You must return a single object or array of objects." 如果buy条件为假,则将出现错误“错误:您必须返回单个对象或对象数组”。 This is important because most of the time buy will be false. 这很重要,因为在大多数情况下buy都是错误的。 I realize that this is because there is no callback I just do not know what to put instead. 我意识到这是因为没有回调,我只是不知道要放什么。 So what should I return if buy is false in order to prevent an error? 因此,如果buy错误则应该退回什么东西以防止出错?

Going by the error, Error: You must return a single object or array of objects. 出现错误, Error: You must return a single object or array of objects.

Zapier expects you to return an object or array of objects at the end. Zapier希望您最后返回一个对象或对象数组。

You are doing that for the buy === true condition with this statement - callback(callback(null, {})); 您可以通过以下语句针对buy === true条件执行此操作callback(callback(null, {}));

Try doing the same outside the conditional block, just add the same line - callback(null, {}); 尝试在条件块外执行相同的操作,只需添加同一行callback(null, {});

This will return the {} to Zapier and your code step should succeed even when the condition is false. 这会将{}返回给Zapier,即使条件为false,您的代码步骤也应该成功。

Your code would look like this 您的代码如下所示

fetch('https://hooks.zapier.com/hooks/catch/974762/krbqch/', { method: 
'POST', body: "Coin:"+coins[i].coin +",Value:"+coins[i].currentValue 
+",Buy:" +coins[i].buy+",Sell:"+coins[i].sell+",Date:"+currentDate})
    .then(function(res) {
        return res.json();
    }).then(function(json) {
    }).then(function() {
    callback(callback(null, {}));
callback(null, {});

More examples here: https://zapier.com/help/code-examples/#introductory-http-example 此处有更多示例: https : //zapier.com/help/code-examples/#introductory-http-example

You might want to get a new webhook URL as it is now public and anyone can trigger it. 您可能想获取一个新的Webhook URL,因为它现在是公共的,任何人都可以触发它。

I would recommend using the code block below - (Notice changes to the callback statement and removal of one .then block.) 我建议使用下面的代码块-(注意更改callback语句并删除一个.then块。)

fetch('https://hooks.zapier.com/hooks/catch/974762/krbqch/', { method: 
'POST', body: "Coin:"+coins[i].coin +",Value:"+coins[i].currentValue 
+",Buy:" +coins[i].buy+",Sell:"+coins[i].sell+",Date:"+currentDate})
    .then(function(res) {
        return res.json();
    }).then(function(json) {
        callback(null, {});
callback(null, {});

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