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[英]Is there a good argument for combining Flex and Rails?

Since Rails is already an effective Rich Internet Application framework because of the way it makes Ajax so easy, what is the argument for combining Rails with Flex and using Flex as the front end instead of HTML? 由于Rails使Ajax变得如此简单,因此它已经是有效的Rich Internet Application框架,将Rails与Flex结合并使用Flex作为前端而不是HTML的论据是什么? A programmer friend of mine said he uses this combination because Flex is great for RIAs. 我的一个程序员朋友说他之所以使用这种组合,是因为Flex非常适合RIA。 My argument is that Rails is already great at that - why add additional complexity? 我的论点是,Rails在这方面已经非常出色-为什么要增加额外的复杂性? Another big disadvantage of doing this, it seems, is that you cannot use HTML in your front end any longer because Flex makes this extremely problematic. 这样做的另一个很大的缺点似乎是您再也不能在前端使用HTML了,因为Flex使此问题特别严重。 That seems like a very high price to pay for whatever benefits this combination of technologies offers. 似乎要为这种技术组合所带来的任何好处付出很高的代价。

I think you want to consider this in terms of what your client app needs to do. 我认为您想根据客户端应用程序需要做的事情来考虑这一点。 If you can accomplish everything you need within rails, then there's no real need to go to flex. 如果您可以在滑轨中完成所需的一切,那么就没有必要进行灵活调整了。 If you need more client-side control, then you can build a flex app and make the rails app just a web service. 如果您需要更多的客户端控制,则可以构建一个Flex应用程序并使Rails应用程序成为Web服务。

I wasn't aware people used Flex and rails all that much. 我不知道人们经常使用Flex和rails。 But using Flash/Flex does give you a bit more processing and visualization power. 但是使用Flash / Flex确实可以为您提供更多的处理和可视化功能。 Also, you can have native AMF support from Flex for efficient data transfer. 另外,您可以从Flex获得本机AMF支持,以进行有效的数据传输。

It all depends on your definition of what a RIA (Rich Internet Application) really is. 这完全取决于您对RIA(富Internet应用程序)的真正定义。 To some, an AJAX enable web application might fit the bill. 对于某些人来说,启用AJAX的Web应用程序可能很合适。 To others, a RIA includes highly stylized elements, a high level of interactivity, and a good bit of animation. 对其他人而言,RIA包含高度风格化的元素,高度的交互性和出色的动画效果。

If you're one of the people that think along the lines of the first requirements, then great. 如果您是按照第一个要求思考的人之一,那就太好了。 An AJAX enabled RoR app is going to be enough for your RIA. 启用AJAX的RoR应用程序将足以满足您的RIA。 For those who belong to the second group, RoR is yet another way to provide the data backend for a RIA that uses Flex/Flash for it's presentation. 对于属于第二类的人,RoR是为使用Flex / Flash进行演示的RIA提供数据后端的另一种方法。

Personally, I believe that RoR combined with Flex is going to give you a much richer, dynamic, and engaging RIA than a standard AJAX enabled web application. 我个人认为,与标准的AJAX支持的Web应用程序相比,RoR与Flex的结合将为您提供更加丰富,动态且引人入胜的RIA。

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