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带有SUM的Google表格上的RANK IF公式

[英]RANK IF formula on Google Sheets with SUM

I am trying to create a ranking of summed numbers out of a database. 我正在尝试从数据库中创建一个汇总数字的排名。 The Database has a list of individual offices of companies in certain countries (numbered 1-10). 该数据库列出了某些国家/地区中公司的各个办事处(编号为1-10)。 In some cases, the same company is in multiple countries. 在某些情况下,同一家公司在多个国家/地区。 Countries are listed in Column A; 国家在A栏中列出; Companies are in column B; 公司在B列中; Offices are in column C. 办公室在C列中。

Each individual office has a score. 每个办公室都有一个分数。 Office scores are in column D of the database. 办公室得分在数据库的D列中。

I would like to create a rank of companies based on the company's total score per country. 我想根据公司在每个国家/地区的总得分来排名公司。 The company's total score per country is the sum of scores of all offices of the same company in the same country. 公司在每个国家/地区的总分是同一公司在同一国家/地区的所有办事处的总分。

In order to build such a ranking one would have to: 为了建立这样的排名,必须:

1 - Get the company's total score per country. 1-获取每个国家/地区的公司总得分。 I have done this using a SUMIFS function. 我已经使用SUMIFS函数完成了此操作。 This is the function I've used to calculate this score: =SUMIFS($D$2:$D, $A$2:$A, $A2, $B$2:$B, $B2) . 这是我用来计算分数的函数: =SUMIFS($D$2:$D, $A$2:$A, $A2, $B$2:$B, $B2) This is calculated in column E of the database. 这是在数据库的E列中计算的。

2- Rank it against the list of other companies' total score per country only for those companies that are in the same country. 2-仅针对同一国家/地区的公司,将其与其他国家/地区的公司总分进行比较。

I am having trouble defining the range for the RANK and have learnt that this is not possible to do using a function like this. 我在定义RANK的范围时遇到了麻烦,并且了解到使用这样的函数无法做到这一点。 The range against which to rank the value calculated on step 1 needs to be a conditional sum as well - the sum of all scores in the country of the office we are ranking. 步骤1所计算的值的排名范围也必须是有条件的总和-我们要排名的国家/地区中所有分数的总和。 How can this be done? 如何才能做到这一点?

After doing some research, I have tried solutions involving SUMPRODUCT and COUNTIFS but have failed to achieved the desired result. 在进行了一些研究之后,我尝试了涉及SUMPRODUCTCOUNTIFS解决方案,但未能获得理想的结果。 How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

I have created a sample shee t here that might help to understand the problem here . 我在这里创建了一个示例表 ,可能有助于理解这里的问题。

Thank you 谢谢

If you want to be able to rank them, you 1st have to find and sort all the values for the current country. 如果要对它们进行排名,则必须首先找到当前国家/地区的所有值并将其排序。
Like @|'-'|, I used a query: 像@ |'-'||一样,我使用了一个查询:

=QUERY($A$2:$E;"select E WHERE A="&A2&" ORDER BY E DESC")

Since the same number can apear twice, you want to add a UNIQUE around that. 由于相同的数字可以出现两次,因此您要在此周围添加一个UNIQUE Be carefull, if 2 companies have the same score, they'll have the same rank. 请注意,如果2个公司的得分相同,则它们的排名也会相同。


This will return the range, sorted from the greatest to the least. 这将返回范围,从最大到最小排序。 Now you simply have to get the index of your current score with the match function. 现在,您只需使用match函数获取当前分数的索引。


This may help: 这可能会有所帮助:

=query(A:D,"Select A,B,sum(D) group by A,B order by A,sum(D) desc")

This doesn't RANK,but SORTs the SUM in the descending order. 这不是RANK,而是按降序对SUM排序。

Rank the selection against a filtered range. 根据过滤范围对选择进行排名。 Example: 例:

=Rank(C2,Filter(C$2:$C$71,F$2:$F$71=F2),1) =等级(C2,过滤器(C $ 2:$ C $ 71,F $ 2:$ F $ 71 = F2),1)

This would rank the value in c2 only if the values in f2:f72 are equal to the value in f2 (this rankes the lowest values with the lowest rank 仅当f2:f72中的值等于f2中的值时,才会对c2中的值进行排名(这将以最低的排名对最低的值进行排名

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