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[英]Include condition inside javascript in relation php constant

i would know how to include a condition inside js. 我会知道如何在js中包含条件。 Like you can see in my table I this constant MODE_B2B_B2C; 就像您在我的表格中看到的那样,此常量MODE_B2B_B2C; How to make the same thing inside js. 如何在js中做同样的事情。

Tk. k

         <table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0">
        if (MODE_B2B_B2C == 'true') {
          $content .= '
                          <td>' . $this->app->getDef('table_heading_customers_group') . '</td>

      $output = <<<EOD
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
  var quantitydiscount_row = $i;

  function addQuantityDiscountValue() {

    html += '<td>';
    html += '  <select name="products_quantitydiscount[' + quantitydiscount_row + '][customers_group_id]" class="form-control">{$customers_group_name}</select>';
    html += '</td>';

<br />

You can use Template Strings: 您可以使用模板字符串:

 let myVal = 123; function condition(input) { if (input > 10) return "foo"; return "bar"; } let str = `This will output ${myVal} * 2 = ${myVal * 2}. Condition: ${condition(2)} Condition: ${condition(20)} `; console.log(str); 

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