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[英]How to make transparent holes in a UIView

What is the best way to create round circles around the edges of a UIView also the circles has to be transparent i create this with sketch 什么是围绕UIView的边缘创建圆的最佳方法是什么,圆也必须是透明的,我用素描创建


I have achieved this thing by using UIBezierPath and CAShapeLayer 我已经通过使用UIBezierPath和CAShapeLayer实现了这一目标

I am taking outlet of view from storyboard. 我正在从情节提要中获取观点。

@IBOutlet weak var myView: UIView!

Create an object of UIBezierPath() 创建一个UIBezierPath()对象

var path = UIBezierPath()

Create a method which take center point of circle as parameter and we create another UIBezierPath() as circlePath which is circle and we append the circle on previous UIBezierPath() path . 创建一个以圆心为参数的方法,并创建另一个UIBezierPath()作为circlePath ,然后将圆附加到先前的UIBezierPath() 路径上
Know take a CAShapeLayer and cut the circlePath 知道采取CAShapeLayer并切

func overLay(points: CGPoint) {
    let sizes = CGSize(width: 30, height: 30)
    let circlePath = UIBezierPath(ovalIn: CGRect(origin: points, size: sizes))

    let maskLayer = CAShapeLayer() //create the mask layer
    maskLayer.path = path.cgPath // Give the mask layer the path you just draw
    maskLayer.fillRule = kCAFillRuleEvenOdd // Cut out the intersection part
    myView.layer.mask = maskLayer

Create updateUI() and call overLay methods with all points. 创建updateUI()并使用所有要点调用overLay方法。

func updateUI() {
    path = UIBezierPath(rect: myView.bounds)
    let viewFrames = myView.bounds
    overLay(points: CGPoint(x: viewFrames.origin.x - 15, y: viewFrames.origin.y - 15))
    overLay(points: CGPoint(x: viewFrames.origin.x + viewFrames.width - 15, y: viewFrames.origin.y - 15))
    overLay(points: CGPoint(x: viewFrames.origin.x - 15, y: viewFrames.origin.y + viewFrames.height - 15))
    overLay(points: CGPoint(x: viewFrames.origin.x + viewFrames.width - 15, y: viewFrames.origin.y + viewFrames.height - 15))
    overLay(points: CGPoint(x: viewFrames.origin.x - 15 , y: viewFrames.origin.y + viewFrames.height/2))
    overLay(points:  CGPoint(x: viewFrames.origin.x + viewFrames.width - 15, y: viewFrames.origin.y + viewFrames.height/2))

call updateUI from viewDidLayoutSubviews() method. 从viewDidLayoutSubviews()方法调用updateUI。

override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {

it will create the overlay on view with transparency. 它将在透明的情况下在视图上创建叠加层。

Full code snippet 完整代码段

import UIKit 导入UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController { 类ViewController:UIViewController {

@IBOutlet weak var myView: UIView!

var path = UIBezierPath()
override func viewDidLoad() {

    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
    // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

func overLay(points: CGPoint) {
    let sizes = CGSize(width: 30, height: 30)
    let circlePath = UIBezierPath(ovalIn: CGRect(origin: points, size: sizes))

    let maskLayer = CAShapeLayer() //create the mask layer
    maskLayer.path = path.cgPath // Give the mask layer the path you just draw
    maskLayer.fillRule = kCAFillRuleEvenOdd // Cut out the intersection part
    myView.layer.mask = maskLayer

override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {

func updateUI() {
    path = UIBezierPath(rect: myView.bounds)
    let viewFrames = myView.bounds
    overLay(points: CGPoint(x: viewFrames.origin.x - 15, y: viewFrames.origin.y - 15))
    overLay(points: CGPoint(x: viewFrames.origin.x + viewFrames.width - 15, y: viewFrames.origin.y - 15))
    overLay(points: CGPoint(x: viewFrames.origin.x - 15, y: viewFrames.origin.y + viewFrames.height - 15))
    overLay(points: CGPoint(x: viewFrames.origin.x + viewFrames.width - 15, y: viewFrames.origin.y + viewFrames.height - 15))
    overLay(points: CGPoint(x: viewFrames.origin.x - 15 , y: viewFrames.origin.y + viewFrames.height/2))
    overLay(points:  CGPoint(x: viewFrames.origin.x + viewFrames.width - 15, y: viewFrames.origin.y + viewFrames.height/2))

} }

I have created an enum with all the corners where the circle need to be placed. 我创建了一个包含所有需要放置圆的角落的枚举。

enum Corners {
    case topLeft
    case topRight
    case bottomLeft
    case bottomRight
    case centerLeft
    case centerRight

I am adding the a circular view programmatically to the viewcontroller's view and setting it's color. 我以编程方式向视图控制器的视图中添加了一个圆形视图,并设置了它的颜色。 Here, I have given white, you can change it to your respective transparent background. 在这里,我给了白色,您可以将其更改为各自的透明背景。

func addCircularViews(toCorners corners: [Corners]) {
    for corner in corners {
        let circleView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 30, height: 30))
        circleView.layer.cornerRadius = circleView.frame.width/2
        circleView.backgroundColor = UIColor.white
        setPosition(forCircularView: corner, circleView)

I am setting the postion of the circle by changing the center of the circular view. 我通过更改圆形视图的中心来设置圆形的位置。

func setPosition(forCircularView corner: Corners,_ circleView: UIView) {
    let screenFrame = UIScreen.main.bounds
    switch corner {
    case .topLeft:
        circleView.center = CGPoint(x: screenFrame.origin.x, y: screenFrame.origin.y)
    case .topRight:
        circleView.center = CGPoint(x: screenFrame.origin.x + screenFrame.width, y: screenFrame.origin.y)
    case .bottomLeft:
        circleView.center = CGPoint(x: screenFrame.origin.x , y: screenFrame.origin.y + screenFrame.height)
    case .bottomRight:
        circleView.center = CGPoint(x: screenFrame.origin.x + screenFrame.width , y: screenFrame.origin.y + screenFrame.height)
    case .centerLeft:
        circleView.center = CGPoint(x: screenFrame.origin.x , y: screenFrame.origin.y + screenFrame.height/2)
    case .centerRight:
        circleView.center = CGPoint(x: screenFrame.origin.x + screenFrame.width , y: screenFrame.origin.y + screenFrame.height/2)

You can call the above function where ever required 您可以在需要时调用上述函数

addCircularViews(toCorners: [.topLeft, .topRight, .centerRight, .centerLeft, .bottomLeft, .bottomRight])

As the above is an array, the corners can be set according to requirement. 由于上面是一个数组,可以根据需要设置边角。 Hope it helps!! 希望能帮助到你!!

I have a subclass of UIView for such tasks. 我有一个用于此类任务的UIView子类。 Basically, it uses CAShapeLayer , created with UIBezierPath , as a mask for view. 基本上,它使用通过CAShapeLayer创建的UIBezierPath作为视图的遮罩。 You can customize frames and corner radius of holes. 您可以自定义框架和孔的拐角半径。 Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

import UIKit

struct TransparentPart {
    var rect: CGRect
    var cornerRadius: CGFloat

class PartiallyTransparentView: UIView {
    var transparentParts: [TransparentPart] = []

    override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {


        let clipPath = UIBezierPath(rect: self.bounds)

        for part in transparentParts {
            let holeRect = part.rect
            let radius = part.cornerRadius

            let path = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: holeRect, cornerRadius: radius)


        let layer = CAShapeLayer()
        layer.path = clipPath.cgPath
        layer.fillRule = kCAFillRuleEvenOdd
        self.layer.mask = layer
        self.layer.masksToBounds = true

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