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[英]Python plotting a scatter plot

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

    def twomasses(M1,M2,x1,x2,p,h,n): 
    global gamma
    global m1
    global m2 
    gamma = 1
    m1 = M1
    m2 = M2
    x0_1 = [1, 2]
    x0_2 = [4, 5]
    p = 3
    v1 = [0, p/m1]
    v2 = [0, -p/m2]

    def F(x1, x2):
        Fa = ((gamma*m1*m2)/(la.norm((x2 - x1),2) ** 3))*(x2 - x1)
        return Fa

    def a1(f, m1):
        a1 = f/m1
        return a1

    def a2(f, m2):
        a2 = f/m2
        return a2

    def ruku_step(F, y, h): #first ruku step

        k1 = F(y)
        k2 = F(y + (h/2)*k1)
        k3 = F(y + (h/2)*k2)
        k4 = F(y + h*k3)

        y = y + (h/6)*(k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4)

        return y

    f = lambda y: np.array([y[2],y[3],a1(F(y[0],y[1]),m1),a2(F(y[0],y[1]),m2)])
    y = list()
    y.append(np.array([x0_1,x0_2, v1, v2]))
    for i in range(0,n):
        y.append(ruku_step(f, np.array(y[i]), h))
    return y

y = twomasses(1,2,-1,2,5,.1, 50)

maxy = np.max([e[0:2,1] for e in y])
maxx = np.max([e[0:2,0] for e in y])
minx = np.min([e[0:2,0] for e in y])
miny = np.min([e[0:2,1] for e in y])
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
def animate(t):
anim = FuncAnimation(fig, animate, interval=100, frames=100) 

I want to animate the graph so that you can see the movement of the masses. 我想对图形进行动画处理,以便可以看到群众的运动。 I tried following How to animate a scatter plot? 我尝试了以下如何为散点图设置动画? but it is quite complex and wouldnt run for me. 但是它很复杂,不会为我运行。 This will refresh the graph each time new points are introduced, but I want them all within one graph. 每当引入新点时,都会刷新该图,但我希望它们都在一个图内。

lots of problems here: bad indent, linspace feeds floats and some parts of your code seem useless. 这里有很多问题:缩进不良, linspace提要浮点数和代码的某些部分似乎无用。 but hey, it moves 但是,它移动了

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from numpy import linalg as la

def twomasses(M1,M2,x1,x2,p,h,n):
    global gamma
    global m1
    global m2
    gamma = 1
    m1 = M1
    m2 = M2
    x0_1 = [1, 2]
    x0_2 = [4, 5]
    p = 3
    v1 = [0, p/m1]
    v2 = [0, -p/m2]

    def F(x1, x2):
        Fa = ((gamma*m1*m2)/(la.norm((x2 - x1),2) ** 3))*(x2 - x1)
        return Fa

    def a1(f, m1):
        a1 = f/m1
        return a1

    def a2(f, m2):
        a2 = f/m2
        return a2

    def ruku_step(F, y, h): #first ruku step

        k1 = F(y)
        k2 = F(y + (h/2)*k1)
        k3 = F(y + (h/2)*k2)
        k4 = F(y + h*k3)

        y = y + (h/6)*(k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4)

        return y

    f = lambda y: np.array([y[2],y[3],a1(F(y[0],y[1]),m1),a2(F(y[0],y[1]),m2)])
    y = list()
    y.append(np.array([x0_1,x0_2, v1, v2]))
    for i in range(0,n):
        y.append(ruku_step(f, np.array(y[i]), h))
    return y

y = twomasses(1,2,-1,2,5,.1, 50)
#~ print(y)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
def animate(t):
    xdata = y[t][0:2,0]
    ydata = y[t][0:2,1]
    #~ def update(frame):
        #~ xdata.append(frame)
        #~ ydata.append(frame)
    ln.set_data(xdata, ydata)
    return ln,
ln, = plt.plot([], [], 'bs', animated=True)
maxy = np.max([e[0:2,1] for e in y])
maxx = np.max([e[0:2,0] for e in y])
minx = np.min([e[0:2,0] for e in y])
miny = np.min([e[0:2,1] for e in y])
def init():
    ax.set_xlim(minx-1, maxx+1)
    ax.set_ylim(miny-1, maxy+1)
    return ln,
ani =FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=np.arange(len(y)),
    init_func=init, blit=True)

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