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[英]Xamarin Forms Image not showing in listview

I want to display a /!\\ icon in my listview. 我想在listview中显示/!\\图标。 Unfortunately, it's not showing up anywhere. 不幸的是,它没有出现在任何地方。

I am 100% positive it's in the right place in both the iOS and Android app. 我100%肯定它在iOS和Android应用中都处于正确的位置。 I have double checked that it is a Android resource (as per screenshot below) 我已经仔细检查过它是一个Android资源(如下面的截图所示) 在此输入图像描述

The code used to initialize the image: alarmIcon = new Image { Source = "warning.png" }; 用于初始化图像的代码: alarmIcon = new Image { Source = "warning.png" };

After initialization I put it in an AlarmPageItem object which as an Image property. 初始化后,我将它放在一个AlarmPageItem对象中,该对象作为Image属性。 This gets added to the listview. 这会添加到列表视图中。 I have checked that I matched the bindings with the AlarmPageItem properties. 我已经检查过我将绑定与AlarmPageItem属性匹配。 (The text does get shown). (文本确实显示)。

I am at a loss why it wouldn't work... 我不知道为什么它不起作用......

Things I tried 我试过的事情

  1. Checked case of image and source declaration 检查图像和源声明的情况
  2. Checked the build action and copy to output directory 检查构建操作并复制到输出目录
  3. Checked binding matching 检查绑定匹配
  4. Tried building to phone instead of xamarin live player 尝试建立电话而不是xamarin现场播放器
  5. Checked image location 检查图像位置

Code: 码:

<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
         Title="Alarm Log">
        <ListView x:Name="listView" 
                  ItemTapped="OnItemTapped" >
                        <StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal">
                                <Label x:Name="alarmTimeLabel"
                                       Text="{Binding DateTime}"/>
                                <Image x:Name="alarmIconImage" 
                                       Source="{Binding AlarmImage}"/>
                            <Label x:Name="alarmTextLabel"
                                   FontFamily="Avenir Next"
                                   Text="{Binding AlarmText}"/>

    public partial class AlarmPage : ContentPage
    private List<AlarmPageItem> listViewItems;

    private Image alarmIcon;

    public AlarmPage ()
        listViewItems = new List<AlarmPageItem>();
        alarmIcon = new Image { Source = "warning.png" };


        listView.ItemsSource = listViewItems;

    private void OnItemTapped(object sender, ItemTappedEventArgs e)
        if (e == null) return; // has been set to null, do not 'process' tapped event
        Debug.WriteLine("Tapped: " + e.Item);
        ((ListView)sender).SelectedItem = null; // de-select the row

    private void PopulateList()

        listViewItems.Add(new AlarmPageItem() {AlarmImage = alarmIcon, AlarmText = "The front is too heavy", DateTime = DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()});

You are binding as "Source" of your Image in the XAML an Image object you are creating in your code behind. 您正在XAML中绑定Image “源”,这是您在代码后面创建的Image对象。

Update your AlarmPageItem class by making the AlarmImage property either an ImageSource or just a simple string . 通过将AlarmImage属性设置为ImageSource或只是一个简单的string AlarmPageItem更新您的AlarmPageItem类。

Something like: 就像是:

class AlarmPageItem
    public string AlarmImage { get; set; }

    public string AlarmText { get; set; }

    //Just a suggestion: Change this property name for something different as it 
    //can create some confusion.
    public DateTime DateTime { get; set; }


    // Add any other properties your class might have.

Once the above is updated just change your code to set the name of the image in the PopulateList method 更新上述内容后,只需更改代码即可在PopulateList方法中设置图像名称

private void PopulateList()
    listViewItems.Add(new AlarmPageItem() {AlarmImage = "warning.png", AlarmText = "The front is too heavy", DateTime = DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()});

Hope this helps.- 希望这可以帮助。-

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