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[英]Interbase to Firebird Migration

Besides doing a data pump. 除了做数据泵。 Is there any other solutions for migrating? 还有其他解决方案吗?

Can you take a GBK and restore it to firebird? 您能拿GBK并将其恢复为firebird吗? Is there any other migration issues you may have run into? 您可能还会遇到其他迁移问题吗?

  1. Besides doing a data pump. 除了做数据泵。 Is there any other solutions for migrating? 还有其他解决方案吗?

no, this is the only solution 不,这是唯一的解决方案

  1. Can you take a GBK and restore it to firebird? 您能拿GBK并将其恢复为firebird吗?

no, it is not compatibile backups files 不,它不是兼容的备份文件

  1. Is there any other migration issues you may have run into? 您可能还会遇到其他迁移问题吗?

you can run into many issues and as @Mark Rotteveel say it is to board. 您可能会遇到许多问题,就像@Mark Rotteveel所说的那样。 You can talk about specific issue you have. 您可以谈谈您遇到的特定问题。 I can point you to few issues: 我可以指出几个问题:

  • Ambiguous field name between tables - as Interbase allow you to do select from two tables with same field names and put this names in the where clause without aliasing it 表之间的字段名称不明确-由于Interbase,您可以从两个具有相同字段名称的表中进行选择,并将此名称放在where子句中而无需使用别名
  • field not contained in the aggregate - as Interbase buggly check fields when you do group by 字段未包含在汇总中-进行分组时,Interbase会错误地检查字段
  • order by in aggregate like select count(*) from table_name ORDER BY some field Interbase allow this Firebird not 通过诸如select count(*) from table_name ORDER BY some field类的命令进行排序
  • Count(*) return Int64 in Firebird in Interbase it is Integer Count(*)在Interbase的Firebird中返回Int64,它是Integer
  • identifiers longer then 31 chars are not allowed in current Firebird Interbase allows it but not handle it as it understand only first 31 chars 当前Firebird Interbase允许标识符长于31个字符,但它不能处理它,因为它只能理解前31个字符
  • if you use Delphi and IBX - you can not use Boolean fields in Firebird as IBX handling is not compatibile with Firebird 如果您使用Delphi和IBX-您不能在Firebird中使用布尔字段,因为IBX处理与Firebird不兼容

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