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[英]How do I test component methods on a React component that are defined as arrow functions (class properties)?

I am able to test class methods just fine by using spies and Component.prototype . 我可以通过使用spies和Component.prototype来测试类方法。 However, many of my class methods are class properties because I need to use this (for this.setState , etc.), and since binding in the constructor is very tedious and looks ugly, using arrow functions is much better in my opinion. 但是,我的许多类方法都是类属性,因为我需要使用this (对于this.setState等),并且因为构造函数中的绑定非常繁琐且看起来很丑,所以在我看来使用箭头函数要好得多。 The components I have built using class properties work in the browser, so I know my babel config is correct. 我使用类属性构建的组件在浏览器中工作,所以我知道我的babel配置是正确的。 Below is the component I am trying to test: 以下是我要测试的组件:

    import React from 'react';
    import { connect } from 'react-redux';

    import { fetchThreadById, passMessageToRedux } from '../actions/social';
    import withLogin from './hoc/withLogin';
    import withTargetUser from './hoc/withTargetUser';
    import withSocket from './hoc/withSocket';
    import ChatMessagesList from './ChatMessagesList';
    import ChatForm from './ChatForm';

    export class Chat extends React.Component {
        state = {
            messages : [],
        componentDidMount() {
            const { auth, targetUser, fetchThreadById, passMessageToRedux } = this.props;
            const threadId = this.sortIds(auth._id, targetUser._id);
            //Using the exact same naming scheme for the socket.io rooms as the client-side threads here
            const roomId = threadId;
            const socket = this.props.socket;
            socket.on('connect', () => {
                socket.emit('join room', roomId);
            socket.on('chat message', message => passMessageToRedux(message));
            //socket.on('chat message', message => {
            //    console.log(message);
            //    this.setState(prevState => ({ messages: [ ...prevState.messages, message ] }));

        sortIds = (a, b) => (a < b ? `${a}_${b}` : `${b}_${a}`);

        render() {
            const { messages, targetUser } = this.props;
            return (
                <div className='chat'>
                    <h1>Du snakker med {targetUser.social.chatName || targetUser.info.displayName}</h1>
                    <ChatMessagesList messages={messages} />
                    <ChatForm socket={this.props.socket} />
    const mapStateToProps = ({ chat: { messages } }) => ({ messages });

    const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
        fetchThreadById    : id => dispatch(fetchThreadById(id)),
        passMessageToRedux : message => dispatch(passMessageToRedux(message)),

    export default withLogin(
        withTargetUser(withSocket(connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Chat))),

    Chat.defaultProps = {
        messages : [],

And here is the test file: 这是测试文件:

import React from 'react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import { Server, SocketIO } from 'mock-socket';

import { Chat } from '../Chat';
import users from '../../fixtures/users';
import chatMessages from '../../fixtures/messages';

let props,

beforeEach(() => {
    window.io = SocketIO;
    mockServer = new Server('http://localhost:5000');
    mockServer.on('connection', server => {
        mockServer.emit('chat message', chatMessages[0]);
    auth = users[0];
    messages = [ chatMessages[0], chatMessages[1] ];
    targetUser = users[1];
    fetchThreadById = jest.fn();
    passMessageToRedux = jest.fn();
    socket = new io('http://localhost:5000');
    props = {

afterEach(() => {

test('Chat renders correctly', () => {
    const wrapper = shallow(<Chat {...props} />);

test('Chat calls fetchThreadById in componentDidMount', () => {
    const wrapper = shallow(<Chat {...props} />);
    const getThreadId = (a, b) => (a > b ? `${b}_${a}` : `${a}_${b}`);
    const threadId = getThreadId(auth._id, targetUser._id);

test('Chat calls componentDidMount', () => {
    spy = jest.spyOn(Chat.prototype, 'componentDidMount');
    const wrapper = shallow(<Chat {...props} />);

test('sortIds correctly sorts ids and returns threadId', () => {
    spy = jest.spyOn(Chat.prototype, 'sortIds');
    const wrapper = shallow(<Chat {...props} />);

The second to last test which checks if componentDidMount (not a class method) was called runs with no errors, as do all the other tests except the last one. 检测是否调用componentDidMount (不是类方法)的倒数第二个测试运行没有错误,除了最后一个测试之外的所有其他测试都是如此。 For the last test, Jest gives me the following error: 对于最后一次测试,Jest给出了以下错误:

FAIL  src\components\tests\Chat.test.js
  ● sortIds correctly sorts ids and returns threadId

    Cannot spy the sortIds property because it is not a function; undefined given instead

      65 |
      66 | test('sortIds correctly sorts ids and returns threadId', () => {
    > 67 |     spy = jest.spyOn(Chat.prototype, 'sortIds');
      68 |     const wrapper = shallow(<Chat {...props} />);
      69 |     expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled();
      70 | });

      at ModuleMockerClass.spyOn (node_modules/jest-mock/build/index.js:699:15)
      at Object.<anonymous> (src/components/tests/Chat.test.js:67:16)

I have been told that I can use mount from enzyme instead of shallow and then use Chat.instance instead of Chat.prototype , but to my understanding, if I do so, enzyme will also render Chat 's children, and I certainly do not want that. 我被告知我可以使用来自酶而不是shallow mount然后使用Chat.instance而不是Chat.prototype ,但据我了解,如果我这样做,酶也会渲染Chat的孩子,我当然不会想要那个。 I actually tried using mount , but then Jest started complaining about connect(ChatForm) not having store in either its context or props ( ChatForm is connected to redux, but I like to test my redux-connected components by importing the non-connected component and mocking a redux store). 我实际上尝试使用mount ,但随后Jest开始抱怨connect(ChatForm)没有在其上下文或道具中storeChatForm连接到redux,但我喜欢通过导入非连接组件来测试我的redux连接组件,嘲笑redux商店)。 Does anyone know how to test class properties on React components with Jest and Enzyme? 有谁知道如何使用Jest和Enzyme测试React组件的类属性? Thanks a bunch in advance! 提前谢谢!

Even if the rendering is shallow, you can call the wrapper.instance() method. 即使渲染很浅,也可以调用wrapper.instance()方法。

it("should call sort ids", () => {
    const wrapper = shallow(<Chat />);
    wrapper.instance().sortIds = jest.fn();
    wrapper.update();    // Force re-rendering 

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