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[英]AmCharts - OLHC chart not visible

Here is my StockGraph object: 这是我的StockGraph对象:

"stockGraphs": [ {
        "id": "g1",
        "title": "someText",
        "precision": 2,
        "openField": "open",
        "closeField": "close",
        "highField": "high",
        "lowField": "low",
        "valueField": "close",
        "lineColor": "#00e673",
        "fillColors": "#00e673",
        "negativeLineColor": "#db4c3c",
        "negativeFillColors": "#db4c3c",
        "type": "olhc",
        "compareable": true,
        "lineThickness": 2,
        "balloonText": "open: [[open]]\nclose: [[close]]\nhigh: [[high]]\nclose: [[close]]",
        "fillAlphas": 0.6
      } ],  

When I replace the type with candlestick or line, it displays perfectly. 当我用烛台或线条替换该类型时,它会完美显示。 But when I set it to olhc, nothing is displayed. 但是,当我将其设置为olhc时,不会显示任何内容。 chart cursors are visible thought. 图表光标是可见的思想。 may be the chart is drawn but not visible for some reason. 可能是图表已绘制,但由于某种原因而不可见。

The type needs to be o h lc. type需要为OħLC。 Swap the letters and it will work. 交换字母,它将起作用。 Note that when comparing datasets, the compared graphs won't support ohlc as compareGraphType only supports line, column, step and smoothedLine. 请注意,比较数据集时,比较的图形将不支持ohlc,因为compareGraphType仅支持线,列,步和compareGraphType

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