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[英]Why no “division by zero” error in PostgreSQL for such case?

Noticed the following behavior of PostgreSQL 9.5: 注意PostgreSQL 9.5的以下行为:

Division of something by zero - works as expected: 将某物除以零-按预期工作:

# select 1 / 0;
ERROR:  division by zero

Dividing NULL by zero: NULL除以零:

# select NULL / 0;

(1 row)

I browsed the documentation, but didn't find any reference to the reasons for such a design decision. 我浏览了文档,但没有找到任何有关此类设计决定的原因的参考。 The result of the dividend can depend on data - can be something or NULL , so the result - NULL or error - will depend on data. 红利的结果可能取决于数据-可以是某物或NULL ,因此结果NULL或错误-将取决于数据。 Wouldn't that be safer to throw error in all cases when divisor is known to be zero? 在已知除数为零的情况下,在所有情况下抛出错误是否更安全?

This is more about SQL Standard than anything: 这比SQL Standard更重要:

An arithmetic operation involving a NULL returns NULL. 涉及NULL的算术运算将返回NULL。 For example, NULL minus NULL yields NULL, not zero. 例如,NULL减去NULL会产生NULL,而不是零。

The decision in this case is just to follow SQL ANSI. 在这种情况下,决定只是遵循SQL ANSI。

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