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无法在Ionic 3 / Angular 5中发送HTTP POST请求

[英]Can't send an HTTP POST request in Ionic 3 / Angular 5

I'm trying to send a post request from my Ionic 3 (Angular 5) app to my REST api, but I'm getting HTTP 404 (Not found) or HTTP 400 (Bad request) . 我正在尝试将Ionic 3(Angular 5)应用中的发布请求发送到我的REST api,但是我正在获取HTTP 404(未找到)HTTP 400(错误请求)

When I send the post request using Postman it is successful. 当我使用Postman发送发帖请求时,它是成功的。 And also, my GET request in Ionic 3 app works successfully. 而且,我在Ionic 3应用程序中的GET请求成功运行。 You can see success request below, it hasn't an Authorization : 您可以在下面看到成功请求,它没有授权



Here is my request method: 这是我的请求方法:

sendConfirmationCode() {
    let mybody = new FormData();
    mybody.append('msisdn', '1234567');

    let myheaders = new HttpHeaders({
      'Content-Type': 'application/json'

    this.http.post('http://mydomain/methodname', mybody, {headers: myheaders})
    .subscribe(data => {
    }, error => {

With headers I get HTTP 404 (Not found) but without HTTP 400 (Bad request). 使用标头,我得到HTTP 404(未找到),但是没有 HTTP 400(错误请求)。 So, I tried different body objects with and without using headers. 因此,我尝试使用和不使用标头的不同主体对象。 Here is my usings instead of FormData body object: 这是我的用法,而不是FormData主体对象:

let mybody= new HttpParams();
mybody.append('msisdn', '1234567');
let mybody= new URLSearchParams()
mybody.append('msisdn', '1234567');
//SubscriberDataInput is my class for to use as input body model of api's method
let mybody = new SubscriberDataInput();
mybody.msisdn = '1234567';
let mybody = JSON.stringify({ "msisdn": "1234567" });

And tried these cases for sending header instead of above header: 并尝试了以下情况以发送标头而不是上面的标头:

let Options = {
  headers: new HttpHeaders({
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
let headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }

None of them works successfully. 他们都不成功。 Can you please tell the right way? 你能告诉正确的方法吗?

I found the solution. 我找到了解决方案。 The problem was my RESTful api prevents ajax post requests. 问题是我的RESTful API阻止了ajax发布请求。 This is a solution in Asp.Net WebApi 2 which related Cors: 这是Asp.Net WebApi 2中与Cors相关的解决方案:

Add a constant into Startup class of Startup.cs : 将常量添加到Startup.cs的 Startup类中:

private const string DefaultCorsPolicyName = "localhost";

Add Cors into ConfigureServices method of Startup class: 将Cors添加到Startup类的ConfigureServices方法中:

    services.AddCors(options =>
        options.AddPolicy(DefaultCorsPolicyName, builder =>

Enable Cors in Configure method of Startup class: Startup类的Configure方法中启用Cors:

app.UseCors(DefaultCorsPolicyName); //Enable CORS!

Delete first custom header in web.config: 删除web.config中的第一个自定义标头:

<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*"/> 

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