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[英]Windows Application Startup Error Exception code: 0xe0434352

I Was Start Windows Application Then application Not Start. 我正在启动Windows应用程序,然后启动应用程序。

Error Exception code: 0xe0434352 I was find Following Error from EventViewer. 错误异常代码:0xe0434352我从EventViewer中发现“跟随错误”。

Application_develop in Visual studio 2010,Startup error Visual Studio 2010中的Application_develop,启动错误

      Application: POSBarcode.exe
            Framework Version: v4.0.30319
            Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
            Exception Info: System.Xml.XmlException
               at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(System.Exception)
               at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
               at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
               at System.Xml.XmlTextReader.Read()
               at System.Configuration.XmlUtil..ctor(System.IO.Stream, System.String, Boolean, System.Configuration.ConfigurationSchemaErrors)
               at System.Configuration.BaseConfigurationRecord.InitConfigFromFile()

            Exception Info: System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException
               at System.Configuration.ConfigurationSchemaErrors.ThrowIfErrors(Boolean)
               at System.Configuration.BaseConfigurationRecord.ThrowIfParseErrors(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSchemaErrors)
               at System.Configuration.BaseConfigurationRecord.ThrowIfInitErrors()
               at System.Configuration.ClientConfigurationSystem.OnConfigRemoved(System.Object, System.Configuration.Internal.InternalConfigEventArgs)

            Exception Info: System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException
               at System.Configuration.ClientConfigurationSystem.OnConfigRemoved(System.Object, System.Configuration.Internal.InternalConfigEventArgs)
               at System.Configuration.Internal.InternalConfigRoot.OnConfigRemoved(System.Configuration.Internal.InternalConfigEventArgs)
               at System.Configuration.Internal.InternalConfigRoot.RemoveConfigImpl(System.String, System.Configuration.BaseConfigurationRecord)
               at System.Configuration.BaseConfigurationRecord.GetSectionRecursive(System.String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, System.Object ByRef, System.Object ByRef)
               at System.Configuration.BaseConfigurationRecord.GetSection(System.String)
               at System.Configuration.ClientConfigurationSystem.System.Configuration.Internal.IInternalConfigSystem.GetSection(System.String)
               at System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.GetSection(System.String)
               at System.Configuration.ClientSettingsStore.ReadSettings(System.String, Boolean)
               at System.Configuration.LocalFileSettingsProvider.GetPropertyValues(System.Configuration.SettingsContext, System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyCollection)
               at System.Configuration.SettingsBase.GetPropertiesFromProvider(System.Configuration.SettingsProvider)
               at System.Configuration.SettingsBase.GetPropertyValueByName(System.String)
               at System.Configuration.SettingsBase.get_Item(System.String)
               at System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase.GetPropertyValue(System.String)
               at System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase.get_Item(System.String)
               at POSBarcode.Properties.Settings.get_MotherBoardID()
               at POSBarcode.Global..cctor()

            Exception Info: System.TypeInitializationException
               at POSBarcode.Global..ctor()
               at POSBarcode.Login..ctor()
               at POSBarcode.Program.Main()

Not my usual task to handle, but some sort of missing dependency or misconfiguration I would assume. 这不是我通常要处理的任务,而是我会假设的某种缺失的依赖关系或配置错误。 This is a rehash of previous answers. 这是先前答案的重述。

Here is a somewhat broader-scope check-list of things to try than the below list: EXE file is not working (recommended skim). 与下面的列表相比,这里的检查列表范围更广: EXE文件不起作用 (建议略读)。 Maybe try the questions below first though. 也许首先尝试下面的问题。

Crash on Launch 启动时崩溃

This is just a messy list intended to spark debugging ideas. 这只是一个混乱的清单,旨在激发调试思路。 Please improve inline if you find inaccuracies. 如果发现错误,请改进内联。

Many things could make an application crash on launch. 许多事情可能会使应用程序在启动时崩溃。 I doubt all the issues listed would cause crashes, but rather error messages. 我怀疑列出的所有问题都将导致崩溃,而是错误消息。 Also: several of the points overlap quite a bit . 另外: 几个点有很多重叠

  • Dependency issues : missing files & runtimes - and registrations (and maybe drivers?). 依赖性问题 :缺少文件和运行时-和注册(可能还有驱动程序?)。 Assembly binding issues (GAC, manifest). 程序集绑定问题(GAC,清单)。
  • Configuration issues : erroneous paths or URLs specified in config files (often from developer machine). 配置问题 :配置文件中指定的错误路径或URL(通常来自开发人员机器)。 Or even a wrong license file or decryption key (see other bullet points - lots of overlaps). 甚至是错误的许可证文件或解密密钥(请参阅其他要点-大量重叠)。
  • Encoding issues : just to mention potential problems such as ANSI / Unicode, encryption / decryption, compression / decompression. 编码问题 :仅提及潜在问题,例如ANSI / Unicode,加密/解密,压缩/解压缩。 Illegal characters in path names? 路径名称中的字符非法?
  • Licensing issues : invalid license or no connection to licensing server. 许可问题 :许可无效或与许可服务器没有连接。 Essentially a configuration issue, but listing it as its own issue. 本质上是配置问题,但将其列为自己的问题。 Could also be network related. 也可能与网络有关。
  • Hardware / Driver issues : I have seen applications crash if they can't connect to hardware (driver issues). 硬件/驱动程序问题 :我已经看到,如果应用程序无法连接到硬件,则会崩溃(驱动程序问题)。 Is that a bar-code reader application? 那是条形码阅读器应用程序吗? Does it need a connected device? 需要连接的设备吗? Maybe the driver is old, or worse: experimental. 驾驶员可能老了,或更糟:正在试验。 (Your exe is called POSBarcode.exe indicating communication with a hardware device?). (您的exe文件称为POSBarcode.exe指示与硬件设备进行通信吗?)。
  • Platform & Bitness issues : mixing x86, x64 files for example. 平台和位数问题 :例如,混合x86,x64文件。 Application can't run on virtual machines? 应用程序无法在虚拟机上运行? Application can only run on embedded devices? 应用程序只能在嵌入式设备上运行吗? I am on shaky ground here. 我在这里摇摇欲坠。 Just listing everything that comes to mind. 仅列出所有想到的内容。 Expansive list, not conclusive. 扩展列表,不是决定性的。
  • Permission issues : some sort of permission denied. 权限问题 :某种权限被拒绝。
    • licensing issues can look and act like permission denied (no proper warning). 许可问题的外观和行为类似于拒绝权限(没有适当的警告)。
    • lacking NTFS rights (files, folders, shares, registry). 缺少NTFS权限 (文件,文件夹,共享,注册表)。
    • lacking NT privileges . 缺乏NT特权
    • problems with authentication & authorization for database connections . 数据库连接的 身份验证授权问题。
    • blocking security software (anti virus, firewalls). 阻止安全软件 (防病毒,防火墙)。
    • missing AD group membership & group policy interference . 缺少AD组成员组策略干扰
    • Code Access Security issues? 代码访问安全性问题? (Shouldn't crash, should it? I know CAS has been changed a lot, I am not up to speed). (应该不会崩溃,应该吗?我知道CAS发生了很大变化,我不适应最新情况)。
  • Don't know whether to list networking issues (no connection, proxy fail, etc...), encryption issues (app doesn't decrypt the gobbledigook it receives), some applications may even refuse to launch if the system clock is wrong (I guess to prevent wrong date and time to make it into the database), localization issues ?, OS-version or edition ?, etc... 不知道是否列出网络问题 (无连接,代理失败等), 加密问题 (应用程序无法解密收到的gobbledigook),如果系统时钟错误,某些应用程序甚至可能拒绝启动(我猜是为了防止错误的日期和时间将其放入数据库), 本地化问题操作系统版本或版本等。

Overall question : are you launching as a valid user with the necessary AD group memberships and licenses on a machine that is current and up to date with the runtimes required and you have a working network connection with security software momentarily disabled for testing purposes? 总体问题 :您是否以有效用户身份启动,且该计算机具有必需的AD组成员身份和许可证,且该计算机是最新的且具有所需运行时的最新信息,并且您的网络连接正常,并且出于测试目的而暂时禁用了安全软件?

Below is the original answer. 以下是原始答案。

Dependencies & Erroneous Configuration 依赖关系和错误配置

A list of specific questions: 具体问题清单:

  • Debugability : Visual Studio? 可调试性 :Visual Studio?
    • Is this your own application so you have the source code available? 这是您自己的应用程序,因此您可以使用源代码吗?
    • If so, does it run properly in Visual Studio in debug mode ? 如果是这样,它是否可以在Visual Studio中以调试模式正常运行
  • Dependencies : Have you tested for presence of basic, required runtime components / conditions? 相关性 :您是否测试了基本的必需运行时组件/条件?
    • Did you try to run the application in question on another computer first of all? 您是否首先尝试在另一台计算机上运行有问题的应用程序? A clean virtual machine, a test server, a test workstation an SOE machine? 干净的虚拟机,测试服务器,测试工作站或SOE计算机? Are you testing using the same user credentials as you use on your dev-box? 您是否使用与在开发箱上使用的相同的用户凭据进行测试?
    • Is the target computer the same architecture as your developer machine ? 目标计算机开发人员 计算机体系结构是否相同? What CPU are you targeting? 您针对的是哪个CPU Is there anything special about the problem, target computer? 目标计算机有什么特别的问题吗? Does it have weird policies ? 它有奇怪的政策吗? Does it have security software blocking things? 它具有安全软件来阻止事物吗? Does it lack a common runtime component that is installed on your development computer? 缺少开发计算机上安装的通用运行时组件吗? ( .NET , VC++ runtime , VC runtime , java , etc...). .NETVC++ runtimeVC runtimejava等)。
    • If it works in Visual Studio, try to use the modules view to get an idea of what the project loads interactively: Debug => Start Debugging , then go Debug => Windows => Modules . 如果它在Visual Studio中可用,请尝试使用modules view来了解项目以交互方式加载的内容: Debug => Start Debugging ,然后转到Debug => Windows => Modules It should show whatever was loaded to run your project interactively. 它应该显示为交互运行项目而加载的内容。 Copy whatever is missing from your release folder in place when identified. 确定后,将释放文件夹中缺少的所有内容复制到位。
    • Have you run through a basic dependency check using tools such as Dependencies.exe ? 您是否已使用Dependencies.exe等工具完成了基本的依赖项检查? ( direct link to release tab ). 直接链接到“发布”标签 )。
    • There is also the aging and outdated Dependency Walker which features a profiling feature (launch EXE and monitor dependencies). 还有老化和过时的Dependency Walker ,它具有概要分析功能(启动EXE和监视依赖项)。 This is a C++ application as opposed to the mentioned C# / C application Dependencies.exe . 这是一个C ++应用程序,与提到的C# / C应用程序Dependencies.exe相反。 It lacks handling of advanced features such as side-by-side assemblies and API-sets. 它缺少对高级功能的处理,例如并排程序集和API集。
    • What does Fuslogvw.exe report? Fuslogvw.exe报告什么? (.NET assembly binding failures). (.NET程序集绑定失败)。
    • How do I determine the dependencies of a .NET application? 如何确定.NET应用程序的依赖关系? (just for reference). (仅供参考)。
  • Configuration : Could there be something wrong in your manifest file or some other settings file? 配置 :清单文件或其他设置文件中可能有问题吗? Seems likely based on the log. 似乎可能基于日志。
    • Paths : Some relative path pointing to a folder in your source hierarchy not present on the normal box in release mode? 路径 :在发布模式下,普通框上没有指向您源层次结构中某个文件夹的相对路径吗? Hard-coded dev-box references pointing to missing resources or inaccessible network locations on the release system? 硬编码的开发箱引用指向发布系统上的资源丢失无法访问的网络位置
    • Files : Could there be lacking resource files ? 文件 :可能缺少资源文件吗? (images, dlls, etc...). (图片,dll等)。 Maybe it is just an image file or some sort of settings file that is missing altogether? 也许只是一个图像文件或某种设置文件完全丢失了?
    • Process Monitoring : These are the things a procmon.exe session could help reveal. 进程监视 :这些是procmon.exe会话可以帮助揭示的内容。 Primitive sample usage . 原始样本用法

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