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连接到ODBC驱动程序的Tableau Server错误

[英]Tableau Server Error connecting to ODBC driver

I can able to connect/fetch data from Tableau Desktop but in tableau server it is throwing below error with datasource, Datasource is build on BI ODBC driver. 我可以从Tableau Desktop连接/获取数据,但是在Tableau Server中,它与数据源一起抛出以下错误,数据源基于BI ODBC驱动程序构建。 Access permission are assign granted to root folder Oracle_HOME. 将访问权限分配给根文件夹Oracle_HOME。


Based on the error, it seems the the driver is not properly installed. 根据错误,似乎驱动程序未正确安装。 Try downloading the Oracle driver from tableau drivers page. 尝试从tableau驱动程序页面下载Oracle驱动程序。 If its installed correctly please cross check on the configurations you have provided. 如果安装正确,请交叉检查您提供的配置。 If you are using the ODBC driver, have you created the DSN properly. 如果使用的是ODBC驱动程序,是否已正确创建了DSN。 The DSN needs to be configured properly with the server name and authorisations and once this is done you can use this DSN in tableau. 需要使用服务器名称和授权来正确配置DSN,一旦完成,您就可以在Tableau中使用此DSN。

Once you have installed the driver properly 正确安装驱动程序后

Click Connect to Data. 单击连接到数据。 On the Connect page, click Other Databases (ODBC). 在“连接”页面上,单击“其他数据库(ODBC)”。 In the DSN drop-down list, select the name that you gave to your Oracle BI Server ODBC connection, and then click Connect. 在“ DSN”下拉列表中,选择您赋予Oracle BI Server ODBC连接的名称,然后单击“连接”。

Below is the link on how to connect with the BI Connector 以下是有关如何与BI连接器连接的链接

How to Connect to Oracle BI Server with Tableau without the shortcomings of Oracle ODBC driver 如何在不使用Oracle ODBC驱动程序缺点的情况下使用Tableau连接到Oracle BI Server

By Default, tableau server pre-populates “Server Run As user” account to Network Service account (NT AUTHRITY\\NetworkService). 默认情况下,Tableau Server将“服务器用户运行身份”帐户预填充为网络服务帐户(NT AUTHRITY \\ NetworkService)。 And this account does not have full permission. 并且此帐户没有完全权限。


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