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[英]I have a txt file with a list of letters and numbers, and I need to sort it based on the numbers, how do I go about doing this?

What I have so far is a program that reads a text file, and puts it into a list. 到目前为止,我有一个程序可以读取文本文件,并将其放入列表中。 The txt file looks like: txt文件如下所示:

asdf:15.3 eazzz:31.12 qw:1.65 ...

I am kind of new to Python so I'm still trying to figure out how to do this properly. 我是Python的新手,因此我仍在尝试找出如何正确执行此操作。 I know this will separate the numbers from the letters, but I don't know where to go from here. 我知道这会将数字和字母分开,但是我不知道从这里去哪里。

def get_num(str):
    items = str.split(':')
    return float(items[1])

The desired output will have the numbers sorted out in descending order with their respective letters. 所需的输出将具有按降序排列的数字及其相应的字母。 I know this can probably be done with "sort" but if possible I'd also like to see it done with for-loops. 我知道可以使用“ sort”完成此操作,但如果可能的话,我也希望使用for循环完成此操作。

Don't use str as the input name. 不要使用str作为输入名称。 To sort a list containing tuples (name, value) just do the following: 要对包含元组(name, value)的列表进行排序(name, value)只需执行以下操作:

sorted(list_name, key = lambda x : x[1], reverse = True)

key = lambda x : x[1] indicates that you want to sort the list by value while reverse = True indicates that you want the sort to be in descending order. key = lambda x : x[1]表示要按value对列表进行排序,而reverse = True表示要按降序对列表进行排序。

data  = '''asdf:15.3

# convert string to list
lst = data.split('\n')

#sort list of data by two things. first the string part second number part
print '\n'.join(sorted(lst, key=lambda item:(item.split(':')[0],float(item.split(':')[1])), reverse = True))

output: 输出:



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