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[英]converting coordinates given in list of tuples to complex number

I have written the following code for calculating the closest pair in a plane. 我编写了以下代码来计算平面中最接近的一对。 The code works fine but I have two questions. 该代码工作正常,但我有两个问题。 First, is there a shorter/better way to convert the representation of points from tuples to complex in the first function? 首先,在第一个函数中是否有更短/更好的方法将点的表示形式从元组转换为复数? and second, is the way I have passed the first function to the second function correct? 第二,我将第一个函数传递给第二个函数的方式正确吗?

import sys

x = [1, 4]
y = [1, 5]

def to_complex(hor, ver):
    list_of_points = list(zip(hor, ver))
    list_of_points.sort(key=lambda el: (el[0], el[1]))
    complex_points = [complex(item[0], item[1]) for item in list_of_points]
    return complex_points

# Brute force algorithm.

def brute_force(points=to_complex(x, y)):
    n = len(points)
    if n < 2:
        return sys.maxsize
        min_distance = sys.maxsize
        for i in range(n):
            for j in range(i + 1, n):
                if abs(points[i] - points[j]) < min_distance:
                    min_distance = abs(points[i] - points[j])
                    closest_pair = (points[i], points[j])

return min_distance, closest_pair


A shorter version of complex(item[0], item[1]) is complex(*item) , which splats a sequence into separate arguments. complex(item[0], item[1])的简短版本是complex(*item) ,它将序列喷入单独的参数中。 And I think this is a little better because it will explicitly fail on tuples longer than 2 items. 而且我认为这会更好一点,因为它会在长度超过2项的元组上显式失败。

But it might be even clearer to just write item[0] + item[1] * 1j . 但是,只写item[0] + item[1] * 1j可能会更加清晰。 Besides looking like the way you write a complex number, this also avoids the implicit conversion to float that allows complex(…) to silently work on things like Decimal objects or sympy constant-valued expressions—you'll get an error in the first case, and a sympy complex constant-valued expression in the second. 除了看起来像写一个复数的方式之外,这还避免了将float complex(…)隐式转换为float ,从而使complex(…)可以在Decimal对象或sympy常值表达式之类的内容上进行静默工作-在第一种情况下,您会遇到错误,第二个则是一个sympy复杂的常量值表达式。 (Of course if you want to coerce things to complex values, that's a negative rather than a positive.) (当然,如果您将事物强制为complex值,那是消极的而不是积极的。)

You can write your algorithm as follows 您可以如下编写算法

# Brute force algorithm.
def brute_force(hor, ver):
    # Convert points to complex
    points = [complex(x, y) for x, y in zip(hor, ver)]
    n = len(points)

    min_distance = sys.maxsize
    closest_pair = None
    if n < 2: return min_distance
        for i in range(n):
            for j in range(i+1, n):
                temp = abs(points[i] - points[j])
                if temp < min_distance:
                    min_distance = temp
                    closest_pair = (points[i], points[j])
    return min_distance, closest_pair

x = [1, 4, 3, 1]
y = [1, 5, 1, 5]


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