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[英]Delay click event on <a> element

Is there a way to hold the execution of the default action of a click even trigger on an <a> element and resume it later? 有没有办法在<a>元素上保留点击甚至触发器的默认操作的执行并在以后继续执行?

I specifically do not mean cancelling the event and rewriting it later, as in: 我特别不是要取消该事件并在以后重写它,例如:

 document.getElementsByTagName("a")[0].addEventListener("click", function(event){ var url = this.getAttribute("href"); var target = this.getAttribute("target"); event.preventDefault(); setTimeout(function(){ console.log("TODO: open " + url + " in " + target); }, 1000); }); 
 <a href="http://example.com" target="_blank">Click me!</a> 

… neither triggering a brand new click: …均未触发全新的点击:

 var delayed = false; document.getElementsByTagName("a")[0].addEventListener("click", function(event){ var link = this; if (!delayed) { event.preventDefault(); setTimeout(function(){ link.click(); }, 1000); delayed = true; } }); 
 <a href="http://example.com" target="_blank">Click me!</a> 

 function cloneEvent(event) { return Object.setPrototypeOf(new Event(event.type), event); } var delayed = false; document.getElementsByTagName("a")[0].addEventListener("click", function(event){ var newEvent = cloneEvent(event); if (!delayed) { event.preventDefault(); setTimeout(function(){ event.target.dispatchEvent(newEvent); }, 1000); delayed = true; } }); 
 <a href="http://example.com" target="_blank">Click me!</a> 

Why not? 为什么不?

  1. Rewriting means you need to reinvent everything the browser would you (error prone and time consuming). 重写意味着您需要重新构造浏览器的所有内容(容易出错且耗时)。

  2. Triggering means it's no longer a user-initiated event (eg popup blocker) and the event cloning version doesn't even work. 触发意味着它不再是用户启动的事件(例如,弹出窗口阻止程序),并且事件克隆版本甚至不起作用。

  3. I'm curious (main reason). 我很好奇(主要原因)。

I get the impression that Event.preventDefault() puts the event in a final state. 我的印象是Event.preventDefault()将事件置于最终状态。 Am I correct? 我对么? Is it just not possible? 只是不可能吗?

On the link set href='about:blank' which qualifies as a genuine user click and then add data-href= url . 在链接集href='about:blank' ,该链接有资格成为真正的用户,然后单击,然后添加data-href= url The eventListener passes the data-href value through to a function wrapped in an anonymous function which is set Timed out . eventListenerdata-href值传递给包装在设置为Timed out的匿名函数中的函数。 The function activateLink() uses location.href to open the link. 函数activateLink()使用location.href打开链接。

Demo 演示版

 var lnx = document.links; lnx[0].addEventListener('click', delayClick, false); lnx.jsi.addEventListener('click', delayClick, false); lnx.so.addEventListener('click', delayClick, false); function delayClick(e) { let destination = this.dataset.href; setTimeout(function(e) { activateLink(destination) }, 1000); } function activateLink(destination) { location.href = destination; } 
 a { display:block; margin: 10px 0; } 
 <a href='about:blank' data-href='https://example.com' target='_blank'>EXAMPLE</a> <a id='jsi' href='about:blank' data-href='https://javascript.info' target='_blank'>JAVASCRIPT.INFO</a> <a name='so' href='about:blank' data-href='https://stackoverflow.com' target='_blank'>STACKOVERFLOW</a> 

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