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[英]How to convert UriComponentsBuilder to java.net.URI

The documentation for UriComponentsBuilder suggest that it is possible, but not straightforward to convert to a java.net.URI . UriComponentsBuilder的文档建议可以转换为java.net.URI ,但并非一帆风顺。

The following seems to work, but involves an intermediate serialization by toUriString() . 以下内容似乎有效,但涉及到toUriString()的中间序列化。

UriComponentsBuilder uriBuilder = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(origin+base);
java.net.URI uri = null;
try {
    uri = new URI(uriBuilder.toUriString());
catch (Exception e) {}                                                              // TODO: insanity
String response = restTemplate.getForObject(uri,String.class);

The constructor for java.net.URI declares a throw: java.net.URI的构造函数声明一个throw:

java.net.URISyntaxException; java.net.URISyntaxException; must be caught or declared to be thrown 必须被抓住或宣布被抛出

Is there a nice way of doing this that doesn't require dealing with exceptions? 有没有一种不需要处理异常的好方法呢?

A really helpful answer might provide some insight as to why build has different return types depending on the input type. 一个非常有用的答案可能会为您提供一些见解,说明为什么build会根据输入类型而具有不同的返回类型。

A new UriComponentsBuilder class helps to create UriComponents instances by providing fine-grained control over all aspects of preparing a URI including construction, expansion from template variables, and encoding. 新的UriComponentsBuilder类通过提供对URI各个方面的精细控制,包括构造,模板变量的扩展和编码,来帮助创建UriComponents实例。

The {type} bind to queryParam in path. {type}绑定到path中的queryParam。

 URI uri = UriComponentsBuilder.newInstance().scheme("http").host("docuconv.claztec.net")
                .queryParam("path", file.getDownloadUrl())
                .queryParam("realname", file.getName())
                .queryParam("servicecode", file.getServiceCode())
                .queryParam("useragent", file.getUserAgent())
                .queryParam("charset", file.getCharset())
                .queryParam("format", file.getOption())

UriComponentsBuilder UriComponentsBuilder

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