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Discord.js 随机图像

[英]Discord.js random image

Okay, so I have a reaction command that so far shows one image when the command is used like it is supposed to.好的,所以我有一个反应命令,到目前为止,当命令按预期使用时显示一个图像。 However, I have multiple images that I want it to choose from and show one randomly.但是,我有多个图像可供选择并随机显示一个。 Like how a math.random will choose a random sentence from a list.就像 math.random 从列表中随机选择一个句子一样。 Except I want images instead of sentences.除了我想要图像而不是句子。 However, I would like it to say ${message.author} gave ${user} a hug!但是,我想说 ${message.author} 给了 ${user} 一个拥抱! and then show the image, as how this code does:然后显示图像,就像这段代码的作用一样:

if(command === "hug") {
    if(message.mentions.members.size == 1) {
        let member = message.mentions.members.first()
        message.channel.send(`${message.author} gave ${member} a hug!`, {
            file: "https://media.giphy.com/media/CZpro4AZHs436/giphy.gif"

Again, I want it to take a random image from a list of images just like math.random does.同样,我希望它像 math.random 一样从图像列表中随机获取图像。

Say you have an array:假设你有一个数组:

const rando_imgs = [

You might pick from this array via:您可以通过以下方式从该数组中选择:

message.channel.send(`${message.author} gave ${member} a hug!`, {
    file: rando_imgs[Math.floor(Math.random() * rando_imgs.length)]

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