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[英]Multiple eslintrc in grunt pointing to different folder

I have folder structure like below and using eslint I am validating my syntax rules . 我具有如下所示的文件夹结构,并使用eslint来验证语法规则。

I have a grunt file which runs eslint by default to all folder below src . 我有一个grunt文件,默认情况下,该文件在src下面的所有文件夹中运行eslint。 But now I have got new scenario where I need to run few more rules to one specific folder mddx . 但是现在有了新的场景,我需要对一个特定的文件夹mddx运行更多规则。 Along With default rules mddx should run with more rules . 除默认规则外,mddx应该与更多规则一起运行。

I know we can have multiple .eslintrc.json file , but how to configure in gruntfile.js with two task , both doing eslint but rules are diffrent. 我知道我们可以有多个.eslintrc.json文件,但是如何通过两个任务在gruntfile.js中进行配置,这两个任务都是eslint,但是规则是不同的。 Also pointing folder is different. 另外指向文件夹也不同。

 |        +mund
 |            |
 |            |--<jsfiles>
 |        +mddx
 |            |
 |            |--<jsfiles>

gruntfile.js gruntfile.js

module.exports = function(grunt) {


        eslint: {
            options: {
                config: '.eslintrc.json',
                reset: false
            target: {
              src: [

    grunt.registerTask('default', ['eslint']);


I got answer so posting it . 我得到了答案,所以发布了它。 Created .eslintrc.json file specific to folder and divided eslint into two sub task . 创建特定于文件夹的.eslintrc.json文件,并将eslint分为两个子任务。 Both has different configuration and points to different rule and folder. 两者都有不同的配置,并且指向不同的规则和文件夹。

module.exports = function(grunt) {
        eslint: {
            default: {
                options: {
                    configFile: '.eslintrc.json',
                    reset: false
                src: [
            mddx: {
                options: {
                    configFile: 'src/mddx/.eslintrc.json',
                    reset: false
                src: [

    grunt.registerTask('default', ['eslint']);

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