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[英]Redefinition of variable in node.js

The execution of this script: tmp.js, that contains: 执行这个脚本:tmp.js,包含:

var parameters = {};
(1,eval)("var parameters = {a:1}");

node tmp.js

produces: 生产:


If we comment out the first statement, and execute again the script, we obtain: 如果我们注释掉第一个语句,并再次执行脚本,我们获得:

{ a: 1 }

The global scope contains exactly the same variables with the same value, so why console.log displays a different value? 全局范围包含具有相同值的完全相同的变量,那么为什么console.log显示不同的值?

Because all code you run in Node is running in a Node module ,¹ with its own scope, not at global scope. 因为您在Node中运行的所有代码都在Node 模块中运行,¹具有自己的范围, 而不是全局范围。 But the way you're calling eval (indirectly, (1,eval)(...) ) runs the code in the string at global scope. 但是你调用eval的方式(间接地, (1,eval)(...) )在全局范围内运行字符串中的代码。 So you have two parameters variables: A local one in the module, and a global one. 因此,您有两个 parameters变量:模块中的本地变量和全局变量。 The local one wins (when it exists). 本地胜利(当它存在时)。

var parameters = {};                // <== Creates a local variable in the module
(1,eval)("var parameters = {a:1}"); // <== Creates a global variable
(1,eval)(console.log(parameters));  // <== Shows the local if there is one,
                                    //     the global if not

Your last line of code is a bit odd: It calls console.log , passing in parameters , and then passes the return value (which will be undefined ) into eval . 你的最后一行代码有点奇怪:它调用console.log ,传入parameters ,然后将返回值(将是undefined )传递给eval Not much point in that call to eval with undefined. 使用undefined.调用eval undefined.

If that last line were 如果最后一行是


...it would run at global scope, not module scope, and always show the global. ...它将在全局范围内运行,而不是模块范围,并始终显示全局。

Here's an example that does the same thing without Node: 这是一个没有Node做同样事情的例子:

 (function() { var parameters = {}; (1,eval)("var parameters = {a:1}"); console.log("local", parameters); (1,eval)('console.log("global", parameters);'); })(); 

¹ FWIW, according to the documentation , your code is wrapped in a function that looks like this: ¹FWIW,根据文档 ,您的代码包含在一个如下所示的函数中:

(function(exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) {
// Module code actually lives in here

...and then executed by Node. ...然后由Node执行。

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