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如何使用Arangodb Web界面开发foxx服务

[英]How to develop foxx services using arangodb web interface

I am creating foxx services, right now I am doing it in VS Code and uploading the zip file in the services section with a mount point in DEVELOPMENT mode. 我正在创建foxx服务,现在我正在VS Code中进行操作,并在“服务”部分中将zip文件上载到处于“开发”模式的挂载点。 Now I want to quick edit the foxx service in web interface itself. 现在,我想在Web界面本身中快速编辑foxx服务。 I was reading this possible but for some reason I do not get an option to edit it using web interface. 我正在阅读这可能,但由于某种原因,我没有使用Web界面对其进行编辑的选项。 Am I missing some configuration/setting or something. 我是否缺少某些配置/设置或其他内容。

One way to do rapid development with Foxx is to use an IDE that automatically uploads modified files to a local 'deployment' location. 使用Foxx进行快速开发的一种方法是使用IDE,该IDE自动将修改后的文件上传到本地“部署”位置。

For example, if you use WebStorm IDE, and edit the files in a directory that is integrated with GIT, then you can checkout and check in your code. 例如,如果使用WebStorm IDE,并在与GIT集成的目录中编辑文件,则可以检出并检入代码。

WebStorm (or other IDE's as well) have a feature where they monitor edited files, and then automatically copy those files to a destination location. WebStorm(或其他IDE)具有一项功能,可以监视已编辑的文件,然后将这些文件自动复制到目标位置。

You can set it up so that it notices when you save a file, then rather than zip it and deploy it via the web UI, it just copies the files to the directory that Foxx is using as the source of your web service. 您可以对其进行设置,以使其在保存文件时发出通知,而不是通过Web UI对其进行压缩和部署,而只是将文件复制到Foxx用作Web服务源的目录中。

If you have the Foxx service running in 'Development' mode, then it recompiles every invocation, so it will pick up the newly edited changes that just got copied in. 如果您以“开发”模式运行Foxx服务,则它将重新编译每次调用,因此它将获取刚复制的新编辑的更改。

You need to find the target directory that you have your Foxx Service running out of, when you enable Development mode it will tell you the path in the Web UI. 您需要找到您的Foxx服务用尽的目标目录,当您启用“开发”模式时,它将告诉您Web UI中的路径。

Not sure if you can do that with VSCode, but if you can then that's the easiest way to do it. 不知道是否可以使用VSCode做到这一点,但是如果可以的话,那是最简单的方法。

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