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[英]data dictionary to html table

I have the following data dictionary, I would like to convert this to HTML table - tried different things but no success. 我有以下数据字典,我想将其转换为HTML表-尝试了不同的方法,但没有成功。

data =  {'102 Not Out': "('75', '04 May 2018'),N/A",'2.0': "('84', 'Expected in January 2019'),8.5",'3 Dev': "('0', '11 May 2018'),No IMDB Info Available",'Adityam': "('34', '27 April 2018'),No IMDB Info Available"}

Here is the what I have so far 这是我到目前为止所拥有的

message ='<table><tr><th>Movies</th><th>Release Date</th><th>Rating</th><th>IMDB Rating</th></tr>'
message += '<tr><td>' + '</td><td>'.join(data.keys()) + '</td></tr>'
message += '</table>'

Here is the output I am looking for: 这是我正在寻找的输出:

| Movies      | Release Date             | Rating | IMDB Rating            |  |
| 102 Not Out | 04 May 2018              | 75     | N/A                    |  |
| 2.0         | Expected in January 2019 | 84     | 8.5                    |  |
| 3 Dev       | 11 May 2018              | 0      | No IMDB Info Available |  |
| Adityam     | 27 April 2018            | 34     | No IMDB Info Available |  |

Using Python 3 - literal_eval() and .items() 使用Python 3 - literal_eval().items()

Your value contains a tuple and a str . 您的值包含一个tuple和一个str So you need to split it. 因此,您需要将其拆分。

So should be like: 所以应该像:

from ast import literal_eval

for key, value in data.items():
   message += '<tr>'
   values = value.split(',')
   t = literal_eval(','.join(values[:2])) # tuple
   message += """
   """.format(key, t[0], t[1], values[2])
   message += '</tr>'

Output 输出量

102 Not Out 75  04 May 2018                 N/A
2.0         84  Expected in January 2019    8.5
3 Dev       0   11 May 2018                 No IMDB Info Available
Adityam     34  27 April 2018               No IMDB Info Available

You can use re and dict.items : 您可以使用redict.items

import re
import ast
message ='<table><tr><th>Movies</th><th>Release Date</th><th>Rating</th><th>IMDB Rating</th></tr>{}</table>'
data =  {'102 Not Out': "('75', '04 May 2018'),N/A",'2.0': "('84', 'Expected in January 2019'),8.5",'3 Dev': "('0', '11 May 2018'),No IMDB Info Available",'Adityam': "('34', '27 April 2018'),No IMDB Info Available"}
new_data = '\n'.join('<tr>{}</tr>'.format('\n'.join(c.format(d) for c, d in zip(['<td>{}</td>']*4, [a]+list(ast.literal_eval(re.findall('\(.*?\)', b)[0])[::-1])+[re.findall('(?=\),)[\w\W]+', b)[0][2:]]))) for a, b in data.items())
last_result = message.format(new_data)
with open('movie_listings.html', 'w') as f:

Output: 输出:


However, this task is much easier with flask . 但是,使用flask可以轻松完成此任务。 First, create a class to better structure data : 首先,创建一个类以更好地构造data

import ast
import re
from collections import namedtuple
class MovieData:
   def __init__(self, data):
     self.final_data = [[a]+list(ast.literal_eval(re.findall('\(.*?\)', b)[0])[::-1])+[re.findall('(?=\),)[\w\W]+', b)[0][2:]])) for a, b in data.items()]
   def __iter__(self):
     movie = namedtuple('movie', ['name', 'release', 'rating', 'imbd'])
     for i in self.final_data:
        yield movie(*i)

Then, create the template in HTML ( movie_listing.html ): 然后,以HTML( movie_listing.html )创建模板:

       <th>Release Date</th>
       <th scope="col">IMDB Rating</th>
       {%for movie in movie_data%}

Finally, create and run the app: 最后,创建并运行该应用程序:

import flask
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
def get_html():
   data = {'Adityam': "('34', '27 April 2018'),No IMDB Info Available", '3 Dev': "('0', '11 May 2018'),No IMDB Info Available", '102 Not Out': "('75', '04 May 2018'),N/A", '2.0': "('84', 'Expected in January 2019'),8.5"}
   return flask.render_template('movie_listing.html', movie_data = MovieData(data))

 if __name__ == '__main__':
   app.debug = True

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