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[英]Create new group in Odoo

I want to create a new group for my custom module Store through the Settings > Users > Groups in odoo. 我想通过odoo中的Settings > Users > Groups组为我的自定义模块Store创建一个新组。

I am creating the group so that I can assign users to that Store module. 我正在创建组,以便可以将用户分配给该Store模块。

When i click on create, i need to write an Application name. 当我单击创建时,我需要写一个Application名称。 I tried to write the name of my custom module which is Store . 我尝试将自定义模块的名称写为Store But, i am prompted to create one. 但是,系统提示我创建一个。

Should i be creating it? 我应该创建它吗? Or, did i get anything wrong? 还是我做错了什么?

In Groups, "Application" is category, if you will add it then it will createnew application under "Application Accesses" in users. 在组中,“应用程序”是类别,如果要添加它,则它将在用户的“应用程序访问”下创建新的应用程序。

You will have all your groups under that category will display as selection in "Users" menu. 您将拥有该类别下的所有组,并在“用户”菜单中显示为选择。

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