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将值传递给React Final Form中的另一个组件

[英]Pass values to another component in React Final Form

Using Wizard form example to create component with current input values. 使用向导表单示例创建具有当前输入值的组件。 Strangely enough, components are identical, but only Wizard component returns object with initial values, when Slider component returns empty object. 奇怪的是,组件是相同的,但是当Slider组件返回空对象时,只有Wizard组件返回具有初始值的对象。 Most important, is it possible to keep values updated? 最重要的是,是否可以保持值的更新?

 class Slider extends React.Component {

        constructor(props) {
          this.state = {
            page: 0,
            values: props.initialValues || {}

        render() {
           const { values } = this.state
          return (


My problem is input type range styling: https://codesandbox.io/s/w65rq7ok4w . 我的问题是输入类型范围样式: https : //codesandbox.io/s/w65rq7ok4w Trying to create a component that would return div with dynamically changing width that would depend from input type range value eg Input Range progress with css gradient 尝试创建一个将返回div并具有动态变化宽度的组件,该宽度将取决于输入类型范围值,例如具有CSS梯度的Input Range进度

You need to create parent component of all your child forms which contain state. 您需要创建所有包含状态的子表单的parent component Here is example: 这是示例:

 class Slider extends React.Component {

 constructor(props) {
   this.state = {
     page: 0,
     values: props.initialValues || {
       employed: false,
       otherKey: "otherValue"

   this.handleUpdate = this.handleUpdate.bind(this);
   this.nexPage = this.nexPage.bind(this);

 handleUpdate(nextValues) {
   this.setState({ values: { ...this.state.values, nextValues} });

 nextPage() {
   this.setState({ page: this.state.page + 1 });

   const { values } = this.state;
   switch(page) {
     case 3: return <ThirdForm {...values}/>;
     case 1: return <AnotherForm {...values} />;
     default: return <FirstForm {...values}/>;

  render() {
   const { values } = this.state
   return (

So your values store in on place, and changes only by handleUpdate method parents component. 因此,您的值就地存储,并且只能通过handleUpdate方法的父级组件进行更改。

Parent component will be pass it data to child component when child component onChange method fires. 当子组件的onChange方法触发时,父组件会将其数据传递给子组件。 Here is example(other forms same...): 这是示例(其他形式相同...):

class FirstForm extends React.Component {

 handleChange(e) {
   this.props.handleUpdate({ [e.target.name]: e.target.value });

 handleSubmit(e) {

 render() {
   const { value1 } = this.props;
     <form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit.bind(this)}>
       <input name="value1" value={value1} onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this)}/>

Set up attributes name is a key and value as value to your inputs and pass it to parent component through childs handleChange method and parents handleUpdate method. 设置属性name是输入的value的键和value ,并将其通过子级handleChange方法和父级handleUpdate方法传递给父级组件。

When submit fires, you need to change page by parent method nextPage . 提交时,您需要通过父方法nextPage来更改页面。

Edit: 编辑:

For input width styling(range min[0] max[100]): 对于输入宽度样式(范围:最小[0]最大[100]):

render() {
 const { values: { rangeValue } } = this.state;  
  <div style={{ width: `${rangeValue}%` }}></div>

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