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[英]Adding validation in RequestMapping annotation

I am using spring boot and I want to add API versioning support for some of the RequestMapping (url path should start with /v[1-9]+/). 我正在使用Spring Boot,我想为某些RequestMapping添加API版本支持(URL路径应以/ v [1-9] + /开头)。

I am thinking of creating an annotation: MyRequestMapping that additionally supports the api versioning path. 我正在考虑创建一个注释:MyRequestMapping,它另外支持api版本控制路径。 This way, anyone using MyRequestMapping will automatically have api version assigned to it. 这样,任何使用MyRequestMapping的人都会自动为其分配api版本。

As I can not extend RequestMapping annotation (annotation extension is not allowed in Java), I am not sure how to go forward with this approach.. Any hint/idea will be great! 由于我无法扩展RequestMapping注释(Java中不允许扩展注释),因此我不确定如何继续使用此方法。任何提示/想法都将非常有用!

In short: How do I support api versioning for "path" in RequestMapping? 简而言之:我如何在RequestMapping中为“路径”支持api版本控制? Thanks.. 谢谢..

I would create class-only MyRequestMapping that matches URLs starting with /v[1-9]+/ 我将创建与/ v [1-9] + /开头的URL匹配的纯类MyRequestMapping

See https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/web.html#mvc-ann-requestmapping-uri-templates for official documentation about using regex in request mapping 有关在请求映射中使用正则表达式的官方文档,请参阅https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/web.html#mvc-ann-requestmapping-uri-templates

Then user could further narrow down the path with method-level RequestMapping annotations. 然后,用户可以使用方法级的RequestMapping注释进一步缩小路径。

You can use a filter , and do the required check inside filter . 您可以使用filter ,并在filter内部进行所需的检查。 If the check didnt return true just modify the httpresponse from the filter itself and return, Thats it. 如果检查未返回true,则只需修改过滤器本身的httpresponse并返回,就可以了。 I added a sample filter below, you need to do required changes in web.xml or @configuration class accordingly, for the filter to work. 我在下面添加了一个示例filter ,您需要在web.xml@configuration类中进行必要的更改,才能使过滤器正常工作。

 public class MyFilter implements Filter {

        public void doFilter(ServletRequest servletRequest, ServletResponse servletResponse, FilterChain filterChain)
                throws IOException, ServletException {
if("")//Do the required check here
//Modifiy httpservlet response .
            filterChain.doFilter(servletRequest, servletResponse);

I found better way to support api versioning. 我找到了更好的方法来支持api版本控制。 Below is the explanation: 以下是说明:

1) Create an annotation: ApiVersion: 1) 创建一个注释:ApiVersion:

@Target({ ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE })
public @interface ApiVersion {

     * version
     * @return
    int value() default 1;
    boolean latest() default false;

2) Create custom RequestCondition to put the matching logic:** 2) 创建自定义RequestCondition以放置匹配逻辑:**

public class ApiVersionCondition implements RequestCondition { 公共类ApiVersionCondition实现RequestCondition {

private final static Pattern VERSION_PREFIX_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("/v(\\d+)/");
private final static Pattern LATEST_PREFIX_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("/latest/");

private int apiVersion;
private boolean latest;

public ApiVersionCondition(int apiVersion, boolean latest) {
    this.apiVersion = apiVersion;
    this.latest = latest;

 * Latest definition will take effect, that means method definition will override the classes definition
 * @param otherApiVersionCondition other condition that is matching.
 * @return latest definition of matching condition.
public ApiVersionCondition combine(ApiVersionCondition otherApiVersionCondition) {
    return new ApiVersionCondition(otherApiVersionCondition.getApiVersion(), otherApiVersionCondition.isLatest());

 * Define matcher to match the pattern for api versioning.
 * When version number requested is equal to or greater than configured, condition will be returned.
 * @param request Request instance
 * @return ApiVersionCondition based on match

public ApiVersionCondition getMatchingCondition(HttpServletRequest request) {
    Matcher m = LATEST_PREFIX_PATTERN.matcher(request.getRequestURI());
    if (m.find() && isLatest()) {
        return this;

    m = VERSION_PREFIX_PATTERN.matcher(request.getRequestURI());
    if (m.find()) {
        Integer version = Integer.valueOf(m.group(1));
        if (version >= this.apiVersion)
            return this;
    return null;

 * When more than one configured version number passes the match rule, the bigest one will take effect.
 * @param otherApiVersionCondition other api version condition that was satisfied.
 * @param request                  Request instance
 * @return 1 if other version condition has greater api version, -1 if this condition has greater api version, 0 if they are same.
public int compareTo(ApiVersionCondition otherApiVersionCondition, HttpServletRequest request) {
    return otherApiVersionCondition.getApiVersion() - this.apiVersion;

 * Getter for api version.
 * @return api version for the condition.
private int getApiVersion() {
    return apiVersion;

 * Getter for whether latest is configured in annotation.
 * @return true if latest is configured in annotation, else false.

private boolean isLatest() {
    return latest;

} }

3) Create custom RequestMappingHandlerMapping: 3) 创建自定义RequestMappingHandlerMapping:

public class ApiVersioningRequestMappingHandlerMapping extends RequestMappingHandlerMapping {

    protected RequestCondition<ApiVersionCondition> getCustomTypeCondition(Class<?> handlerType) {
        return createCondition(AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(handlerType, ApiVersion.class));

    protected RequestCondition<ApiVersionCondition> getCustomMethodCondition(Method method) {
        return createCondition(AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(method, ApiVersion.class));

    private RequestCondition<ApiVersionCondition> createCondition(ApiVersion apiVersion) {
        return apiVersion == null ? null : new ApiVersionCondition(apiVersion.value(), apiVersion.latest());

4) Ask Spring to use the custom RequestMappingHandlerMapping: 4) 让Spring使用自定义的RequestMappingHandlerMapping:

public class WebMvcRegistrationsConfig implements WebMvcRegistrations {

    public RequestMappingHandlerMapping getRequestMappingHandlerMapping() {
        ApiVersioningRequestMappingHandlerMapping apiVersioningRequestMappingHandlerMapping = new ApiVersioningRequestMappingHandlerMapping();
        return apiVersioningRequestMappingHandlerMapping;


5) Use it in controller: 5) 在控制器中使用:

@ApiVersion //default is version 1
//@RequestMapping("{apiVersion}/test") //add this if want to specify a common root e.g. v<x>/test for all below request mapping
public class GreetingController {

    private static final String template = "Hello , %s!";
    private final AtomicLong counter = new AtomicLong();

    @RequestMapping("/greeting")    // URI: /v1/greeting will be mapped to this method
    public Greeting greeting(@RequestParam(value = "name", defaultValue = "World") String name) {
        return new Greeting(counter.incrementAndGet(),
                String.format(template, name));

    @RequestMapping("/greeting")    // URI: /v2/greeting will be mapped to this method
    public Greeting greetingV2(@RequestParam(value = "name", defaultValue = "World version 2") String name) {
        return new Greeting(counter.incrementAndGet(),
                String.format(template, name));

    @ApiVersion(value = 3, latest = true)
    @RequestMapping("/greeting")    // URI: /v3/greeting OR /latest/greeting will be mapped to this method
    public Greeting greetingV3(@RequestParam(value = "name", defaultValue = "World version 3") String name) {
        return new Greeting(counter.incrementAndGet(),
                String.format(template, name));

There are still some fine tuning to do but this is a good start for what I wanted to achieve. 仍然需要进行一些微调,但这是我想要实现的目标的良好开端。 Will update if find better idea or some improvements. 如果发现更好的主意或某些改进,将进行更新。 Please let us know if someone finds improvements. 如果有人发现改进之处,请告诉我们。

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