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[英]Unable to minify Vue.js application

I have a Vue.js Application with the following excerpt of code: 我有一个Vue.js应用程序,其中包含以下代码摘录:

 (function() { initApp(); })(); function initApp() { window.myApp = new Vue({ el: '#wrapper', data() { return { somedata: [] } } }); } 
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.16/vue.min.js"></script> 

When I try to minify it, it fails with the error Error : Unexpected token: punc (() but the application runs successfully. I'm not sure why? 当我尝试缩小它时,它失败并显示错误Error : Unexpected token: punc (()但应用程序运行成功。我不知道为什么?

Those compressors simply only support an old version of JavaScript. 那些压缩器只支持旧版本的JavaScript。 Their support is restricted to at most ES5. 他们的支持最多只限于ES5。 To make your code work, convert it: 要使代码正常工作,请将其转换为:

(function() {

function initApp() {
    window.myApp = new Vue({
        el: '#wrapper',
        data: function() { // changed this line
            return {
                somedata: []

And it should compress. 它应该压缩。

Details: 细节:

They use uglify-js: "^3.3.10" , that is known for not supporting ES6( uglify-es does) . 他们使用uglify-js: "^3.3.10" ,这是因为不支持ES6( uglify-es

From their repo (emphasis mine): 他们的回购 (强调我的):

UglifyJS 3 UglifyJS 3

UglifyJS is a JavaScript parser, minifier, compressor and beautifier toolkit. UglifyJS是一个JavaScript解析器,minifier,压缩器和美化工具包。

Note: 注意:
  • (...) (......)
  • uglify-js only supports JavaScript (ECMAScript 5) . uglify-js 仅支持JavaScript(ECMAScript 5)
  • To minify ECMAScript 2015 or above, transpile using tools like Babel . 要缩小ECMAScript 2015或更高版本,请使用像Babel这样的工具进行转换。

Your compressor isn't ES6 compliant 您的压缩机不符合ES6标准

You're getting that error because, like pacdcjunior's said , your compressor isn't ES6 compliant. 你得到的错误是因为,就像pacdcjunior所说 ,你的压缩机不符合ES6标准。 (I got your same error when I switched from jQuery to Vue.js—using ES6 syntax.) (当我使用ES6语法从jQuery切换到Vue.js时,我得到了同样的错误。)

Solution: Use Terser instead. 解决方案:改用Terser

It's ES6 compliant, in active development (at the time of writing), and is a direct replacement for Uglifyjs . 它符合ES6标准,处于积极开发阶段(撰写本文时),是Uglifyjs的直接替代

Bonus: How to minify lots of files in one pass with Terser 额外奖励:如何使用Terser一次性缩小大量文件

You can minify a single file in Terser from the command line like this: 您可以从命令行缩小Terser中的单个文件,如下所示:

$ terser file.js -m -o file.min.js $ terser file.js -m -o file.min.js

But if you have a load of files to minify in one go, that will be tedious. 但如果你有一堆文件可以一次性缩小,那将是乏味的。 I found this excellent answer and modified it just a little. 我找到了这个优秀的答案并对其进行了一些修改。 Add this to your .bash_profile: 将其添加到.bash_profile:

alias renderjs='rm *.min.js; for f in *.js; do short=${f%.js}; terser $f -m -o $short.min.js; done'

Navigate to your js directory and run renderjs . 导航到您的js目录并运行renderjs Now all your *.js files have a minified version. 现在, 所有 *.js文件都有缩小版本。 Nice! 太好了!

Do you mean the compiled js file (app.js)? 你的意思是编译的js文件(app.js)? If that case you just compile for production "npm run production". 如果是这种情况,你只需编译生产“npm run production”。

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