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在Angular 4中使用嵌套的可观察对象

[英]Using nested observables in Angular 4

I want to get all comments from comments.json using http and observable which I am doing right now successfully, now I just want to loop these "comments" within this observable such that for each actor id I can call another function and pass this id and fetch user detail. 我想使用http和observable从comments.json中获取所有评论,而我现在正在成功完成此操作,现在我只想在此observable中循环这些“评论”,以便对于每个actor id,我可以调用另一个函数并传递此id并获取用户详细信息。 Something similar done in This Question 这个问题上做了类似的事情

I know getting user detail separately is not good idea but it is requirement. 我知道分别获取用户详细信息不是一个好主意,但这是必要条件。 I want to know do this by async pipe so that information keep updating. 我想知道通过异步管道执行此操作,以便信息不断更新。

I have a service below: 我在以下服务:

service.ts 服务

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import {HttpClient} from '@angular/common/http'
import {IComment} from "../../comments";
import {Observable} from "rxjs/observable";

export class CommentsDataService {

  private _url:string = "../../../../assets/json/comments.json";
  constructor(private http: HttpClient) {  }

   * Return Sample json for
   * Comment listing.
   * @param Id
   * @returns {json)
    return this.http.get<IComment[]>(this._url)

   * @param commentObj





component 零件

 ngOnInit() {

    //Service call for Comments listing.

    .subscribe(data=>this.commentsData = data)



<div class="container">

    <div class="row listCommentsContainer">
        <div class="col-lg-8 col-sm-8" *ngFor="let commentData of commentsData; let i = index">
          <ol style="list-style: none;">
          <li class="listComments">

            <div  style="display: block">
            <div style="display:inline-block;">
              <a class="avatar">

                <img style="" src="">
            <a class="commentPostByUserName">
              <span class="commentPostByUserName" style=""></span>
              <div class="commentTime">{{commentData.time_stamp}}</div>
            <div class="commentTextDisplay">{{commentData.object}}</div>


            <!-- Click Reply -->
            <div class="addReplyContainer" #commentData.id>
              <a  class="addReplyLink"  (click)="showReplyTextArea($event, commentData.id)">Reply</a>

            <!-- Add Reply -->
            <div [attr.commentId]="commentData.id" class="addReplyContainer replyTextAreaContainer" style="display: none" >
              <textarea (keyup)="keyUpCommentTextarea($event, reply, commentData.id)" (keyup.enter)="addReply($event, commentData.root_id)" [(ngModel)]="reply" style="width:100%"
                        class="replyText commentText addReplyTextarea form-control"></textarea>
              <button [attr.commentId]="commentData.id" disabled class="btn btn-success addCommentBtn" (click)="addReply($event, commentData.root_id)">Add</button>
            <!-- ----------- -->

            <!-- List Replies -->

            <div class="replies col-lg-8 col-sm-8" *ngFor="let reply of commentData.comment">
              <ol style="list-style: none;">
                <li class="listComments listReplies">

                  <div  style="display: block">
                    <div style="display:inline-block;">
                      <a class="avatar">

                        <img style="" src="">
                    <a class="commentPostByUserName">
                      <span class="commentPostByUserName" style=""></span>

                  <div class="commentTextDisplay replyTextDisplay">{{reply.object}}</div>

            <!-- --------------- -->


    <!-- Add Comment-->
    <div class="row">
      <div  class="addCommentContainer col-lg-6 col-sm-12">

          <textarea (keyup)="keyUpCommentTextarea($event, comment)"
                    [(ngModel)]="comment" class="commentText form-control"
                    placeholder="Add Comment">
        <button  (click)="addComment($event)" class="btn addCommentBtn btn-success">Add</button>


comments.json comments.json

[{ "id":"123",
  "target_id": "2",
  "time_stamp": "2 mins ago",

      "id": "124",
      "time_stamp": "2 mins ago"
      "id": "125",
    "target_id": "2",
    "time_stamp": "2 mins ago",
        "id": "234",

        "id": "236",

  },  {
  "target_id": "12",
  "time_stamp": "2 mins ago"
},  {
  "target_id": "12",
  "time_stamp": "2 mins ago"
    "target_id": "12",
    "object":"Last Comment..",
    "time_stamp": "2 mins ago"

user.json user.json

    "first_name" : "jack",
    "first_name" : "john",
    "first_name" : "simon",


The switchMap operator is the classic solution to this idea of making more async calls based on the results of the first one, achieved like this: switchMap运算符是此思想的经典解决方案,该思想基于第一个结果进行更多异步调用,实现如下:

getUser(id) {
   return this.http.get<User>('/user/ + id'); // don't know your actual user endpoint or interface but this is a sample

getCommentsWithUsers() {
    return this.getComments().switchMap(comments => // first we use switchMap to execute a new set of observables
         // map the comments into an array of requests for the user and combine with the forkJoin and map operator and object.assign
            ? Observable.forkJoin(comments.map(comment => this.getUser(comment.actor).map(user => Object.assign(comment, {actor: user})) 
            : Observable.of([])); // empty check needed becuase forkJoin breaks with empty array

I'm not familiar enough with your data schema to say this will work perfectly, you may need some minor modifications, but this idea should work more or less. 我对您的数据架构还不够熟悉,无法说这将完美地工作,您可能需要进行一些细微的修改,但是这个想法或多或少都可以工作。

You can try something like this 您可以尝试这样的事情

   .map(res => res.json())
   .finally(() => this.isLoading = false) // here load actors
         data => this.orders = data,
         error => console.log(error)

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