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如何检查Swift 4.0中是否有正则表达式的连续字符?

[英]How can I check is there any consecutive characters with a regex in Swift 4.0?

Can anyone give me a Swift regex to identify consecutive characters in a string? 任何人都可以给我一个Swift正则表达式来识别字符串中的连续字符吗?

My regex is .*(.)\\\\1$ and this is not working. 我的正则表达式是.*(.)\\\\1$ ,这不起作用。 My code block is; 我的代码块是;

let regex = ".*(.)\\1$"
return NSPredicate(format: "SELF MATCHES %@", regex).evaluate(with: string)

Examples: 例子:

abc123abc -> should be valid abc123abc - >应该有效

abc11qwe or aa12345 -> should not be valid because of 11 and aa abc11qwe或aa12345 - >因11aa而无法生效

Thanks 谢谢

This regex may help you, (Identifies consecutive repeating characters - It validates and satisfies matches with samples you've shared. But you need to test other possible scenarios for input string.) 这个正则表达式可以帮助你,(标识连续的重复字符 - 它验证并满足与你共享的样本的匹配。但是你需要测试输入字符串的其他可能场景。)



Try this and see: 试试看,看看:

let string = "aabc1123abc"
//let string = "abc123abc"
let regex = "(.)\\1"
if let range = string.range(of: regex, options: .regularExpression) {
    print("range - \(range)")

// or

if string.range(of: regex, options: .regularExpression) != nil {
    print("found consecutive characters")

Result: 结果:


Use NSRegularExpression instead of NSPredicate 使用NSRegularExpression而不是NSPredicate

let arrayOfStrings = ["abc11qwe","asdfghjk"]
for string in arrayOfStrings {
        var result = false
            let regex = try NSRegularExpression(pattern: "(.)\\1", options:[.dotMatchesLineSeparators]).firstMatch(in: string, range: NSMakeRange(0,string.utf16.count))
            if((regex) != nil){
                result = true

        catch {


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