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.htaccess在cakephp 2.5中重写图像

[英].htaccess rewrite image in cakephp 2.5

According to : 根据 :

.htaccess rewrite image file to php script .htaccess将图像文件重写为php脚本

I am trying to Rewrite an image to an action, in cakephp 2.5. 我试图在cakephp 2.5中将图像重写为动作。 The .htaccess used is the one inside /app/webroot/ according to this post: Adaptive images CakePHP htaccess 根据这篇文章,使用的.htaccess是/ app / webroot /中的一个: 自适应图像CakePHP htaccess

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]

    RewriteRule ^img/logo.png$ /users/display_details [NC,L]

The result displayed is 'missing controller' page, with. 显示的结果是“缺少控制器”页面,带有。

class ImgController extends AppController {


Any guess to make this working ? 任何猜测使此工作? Thanks. 谢谢。

Your rule will not change any of the server variables that CakePHP looks up for matching its routes ( PATH_INFO , REQUEST_URI , SCRIPT_NAME , HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL ), so CakePHP will still see and match on /img/logo.png , it will ignore the REDIRECT_URL that is being set by your rule, hence it will look for ImgController . 您的规则不会更改CakePHP查找以匹配其路由的任何服务器变量( PATH_INFOREQUEST_URISCRIPT_NAMEHTTP_X_REWRITE_URL ),因此CakePHP仍会在/img/logo.png上看到并匹配,它将忽略REDIRECT_URL由您的规则设置,因此它将查找ImgController

You could try to set the PATH_INFO variable via the E (envelope) flag, like: 您可以尝试通过E (信封)标志设置PATH_INFO变量,例如:

RewriteRule ^img/logo.png$ index.php [NC,L,E=PATH_INFO:/users/display_details]

This should set $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] to /users/display_details , and CakePHP should be able to match a route against it. 这应该将$_SERVER['PATH_INFO']/users/display_details ,并且CakePHP应该能够针对它匹配路由。

See also 也可以看看

I did not try your solution because I found a way to make it working. 我没有尝试过您的解决方案,因为我找到了使之起作用的方法。

Into the routes.php I added this line 我在routes.php中添加了这一行

Router::connect('/images/logo.png', array('controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'display_details'));

It's kind of weird, true but it works. 有点奇怪,是对的,但确实有效。 The real image is /img/logo.png so inside the display_details , I have a code to display the real image and run some code into this function too. 真实的图像是/img/logo.png所以在display_details里面,我有一个代码来显示真实的图像,并在此函数中运行一些代码。

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