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使用 Socket.IO 将 JSON 字符串发送到 Node.JS 服务器,但不返回任何内容

[英]Sending JSON string to Node.JS server using Socket.IO returning nothing

I have this string in JSON format (C#):我有这个 JSON 格式的字符串(C#):

coordinatesJson = "{\"latitude\":\"" + latitude + "\",\"longitude\":\"" + longitude + "\"}";

That I send to my Node.JS server using Socket.IO as such:我使用 Socket.IO 发送到我的 Node.JS 服务器,如下所示:

socket.Emit("send coordinates", JSONObject.CreateStringObject(coordinatesJson));

On my server I have:在我的服务器上,我有:

var app = require('express')();
var server = require('http').Server(app);
var io = require('socket.io')(server);


app.get('/', function(req, res){
res.send('Connection Successful');

io.on('connection', function(socket){

socket.on('client connect', function(){
    console.log("player connected");


socket.on('send coordinates', function(data){
    var data = JSON.parse(data);

console.log('\n--- Server is running...\n');

But nothing appears.但什么都没有出现。 Any help?有什么帮助吗?

EDIT 1: I meant if I do:编辑 1:我的意思是如果我这样做:

coordinatesJson = "{ 'latitude': '"+latitude+"', 'longitude': '"+longitude+"' }";

This reaches the server and outputs the proper string这到达服务器并输出正确的字符串

Edit 2: C# Code:编辑 2:C# 代码:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;
using SocketIO;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class NetworkManager : MonoBehaviour {

public SocketIOComponent socket;
public Text serverMessageDebug;

private string latitude;
private string longitude;
private string coordinatesJson;

void Start() {

    latitude = "5"; //GPS.Instance.latitude.ToString();
    longitude = "5"; //GPS.Instance.longitude.ToString();

    //coordinatesJson = "{ 'latitude': '"+latitude+"', 'longitude': '"+longitude+"' }";
    coordinatesJson = "{\"latitude\":\"" + latitude + "\",\"longitude\":\"" + longitude + "\"}";

    EstablishConnection ();
    //Subscrible to node.js websocket events
    socket.On ("test", OnTest);


#region Server Connection

public void EstablishConnection(){      
    StartCoroutine (ConnectToServer ());

private IEnumerator ConnectToServer(){      
    yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.5f);
    socket.Emit("client connect");
    socket.Emit("send coordinates", JSONObject.CreateStringObject(coordinatesJson));
    yield return new WaitForSeconds (1f);

#region Websocket Events
private void OnTest(SocketIOEvent socketIOEvent){
    Debug.Log ("This is a test from the server");
    serverMessageDebug.text = "This is a test from the server";

this should work.这应该有效。 first create a class like this:首先创建一个这样的类:

public class CoordinatesJSON
    public double[] Coordinates;

    public CoordinatesJSON(double latitude, double longitude)
        Coordinates = new double[] { latitude, longitude };

then make a jsonObject method like this:然后创建一个 jsonObject 方法,如下所示:

JSONObject ConvertDataToJson()
    double lat = GPS.latitude;
    double lon = GPS.longitude;

    string data = JsonUtility.ToJson(new CoordinatesJSON(lat, lon));
    return new JSONObject(data);

and send data to Server like this:并将数据发送到服务器,如下所示:

public void SendGPSCoordinateToServer()
    socket.Emit("send coordinates", ConvertDataToJson());

and serve side:和发球方:

socket.on('send coordinates', function(data){

    console.log('Json Data: '+JSON.stringify(data));
    console.log('Data: ' + data.Coordinates);


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