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在Spring Webflux中返回多个Monos

[英]Returning multiple Monos in Spring Webflux

I'm trying to play about with SpringBoot 2.0 and the new reactive webFlux library. 我正在尝试使用SpringBoot 2.0和新的反应式webFlux库。 I want to know how I can return the results of two calls made via the none blocking WebClient to the caller of my Springboot API. 我想知道如何将通过无阻塞WebClient进行的两次调用的结果返回给我的Springboot API的调用者。 The code I have is: 我的代码是:

public CombinedResults perfomSearch(@RequestParam final String searchTerm) {
    Mono<SearchResponse> fasMono = searchService.getSearchResults(searchTerm, "fh");
    Mono<SearchResponse> esMono = searchService.getSearchResults(searchTerm, "es");
    CombinedResults combinedResults = new CombinedResults(fasMono, esMono);
    return combinedResults;


The CombinedResult object is just a POJO: CombinedResult对象只是一个POJO:

public class CombinedResults {

private Mono<SearchResponse> fasSearchResponse;

private Mono<SearchResponse> esSearchResponse;

public CombinedResults(final Mono<SearchResponse> fasSearchResponse, final Mono<SearchResponse> esSearchResponse) {
    this.fasSearchResponse = fasSearchResponse;
    this.esSearchResponse = esSearchResponse;

public Mono<SearchResponse> getFasSearchResponse() {
    return fasSearchResponse;

public void setFasSearchResponse(final Mono<SearchResponse> fasSearchResponse) {
    this.fasSearchResponse = fasSearchResponse;

public Mono<SearchResponse> getEsSearchResponse() {
    return esSearchResponse;

public void setEsSearchResponse(final Mono<SearchResponse> esSearchResponse) {
    this.esSearchResponse = esSearchResponse;

However if I call this the response I get back is 但是,如果我称之为我得到的回复是

  "fasSearchResponse": {
    "scanAvailable": true
  "esSearchResponse": {
    "scanAvailable": true

Rather than the contents of the SearchResponse objects. 而不是SearchResponse对象的内容。 I feel I might be missing a fundamental point of how this is supposed to work! 我觉得我可能会错过这个应该如何运作的基本要点! My thought was that because the WebClient is none blocking I can fire of the two calls to the web services and then combine them without the need for completable futures etc? 我的想法是因为WebClient没有阻塞,我可以解雇两个Web服务调用,然后将它们组合起来而不需要可完成的期货等?

Spring WebFlux doesn't support nested reactive types. Spring WebFlux不支持嵌套的响应类型。 You should instead have something like this: 你应该改为:

Mono<SearchResponse> fasMono = searchService.getSearchResults(searchTerm, "fh");
Mono<SearchResponse> esMono = searchService.getSearchResults(searchTerm, "es");
Mono<CombinedResults> results = fasMono.zipWith(esMono, 
    (fas, es) -> {return new CombinedResults(fas, es);});

I think that you should return a Mono of an object that represents the model responded by this action. 我认为您应该返回一个对象的Mono,该对象代表通过此操作响应的模型。 Suppose that CombinedResults is your model. 假设CombinedResults是您的模型。 This class should be something like: 这个类应该是这样的:

public class CombinedResults {

    private SearchResponse fasSearchResponse;

    private SearchResponse esSearchResponse;

    public CombinedResults(final SearchResponse fasSearchResponse, final SearchResponse esSearchResponse) {
        this.fasSearchResponse = fasSearchResponse;
        this.esSearchResponse = esSearchResponse;

    //... getters AND/OR setters

And, on your controller you do something like this: 并且,在您的控制器上,您执行以下操作:

public Mono<CombinedResults> perfomSearch(@RequestParam final String searchTerm) {
    Mono<SearchResponse> fasMono = searchService.getSearchResults(searchTerm, "fh");
    Mono<SearchResponse> esMono = searchService.getSearchResults(searchTerm, "es");
    Mono<CombinedResults> combinedResults = 
          .flatMap(fh -> esMono.map(es -> new CombinedResults(fh, es)));
    return combinedResults;

In that way you are returning a Mono object holding what you wanted as a response. 通过这种方式,您将返回一个Mono对象,其中包含您想要的响应。 The chain of operations fasMono.flatMap with esMono.map builds the CombinedResults when both Mono emit items. 操作链fasMono.flatMapesMono.map构建CombinedResults当两个单声道发出的物品。 This combination is rather common when trying to join two Monos into one. 当尝试将两个Monos连接成一个时,这种组合很常见。 I think you could also use zip operator to join the Monos. 我想你也可以使用zip操作符加入Monos。 All of this is unrelated to WebClient. 所有这些都与WebClient无关。 If your getSearchResults performs only async-nonblocking operations than everything is async-nonblocking. 如果你的getSearchResults只执行异步非阻塞操作,那么一切都是异步非阻塞。

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