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Laravel和Vue:在哪里放js / app.js?

[英]Laravel and Vue: where to put js/app.js?

I created a simple app using some Vue components and a Bootstrap component (carousel). 我使用一些Vue组件和一个Bootstrap组件(轮播)创建了一个简单的应用程序。

I compile my assets using Laravel Mix. 我使用Laravel Mix编译我的资产。 When I put the compiled app.js between the head tags, my Vue components do not work ( Cannot find element: #app ). 当我将已编译的app.js放在head标签之间时,我的Vue组件不起作用( Cannot find element: #app )。 When I put the app.js just before the </body> tag, my carousel (the indicators ) does not work ... I also tried with the defer attribute, but no success. 当我把app.js放在</body>标签之前时,我的轮播( 指示符 )不起作用...我也尝试使用defer属性,但没有成功。 Do I have to split my JavaScript-files to make both work? 我是否必须拆分我的JavaScript文件才能使它们都工作?

Edit: 编辑:

When I put my asset just before the </body> tag, the indicators of the carousel looks like this: <="" li=""> 当我将资产放在</body>标记之前时,轮播的指示符如下所示: <="" li="">

In general, before the ending </body> tag. 通常,在结束</body>标记之前。

<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/app.js"></script>

And if you have other bootstrap specific js codes, you have to write them after the above-mentioned script tag because app.js is also responsible for loading bootstrap required js files in the resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js file. 如果你有其他bootstrap特定的js代码,你必须在上面提到的脚本标记之后编写它们,因为app.js还负责在resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js文件中加载bootstrap所需的js文件。

The message Cannot find element: #app does not mean, that vue do not work. 消息Cannot find element: #app并不意味着,该vue不起作用。 It means, that Vue.js is mounted correctly but it can not find any div with the id of app : 这意味着,Vue.js已正确安装,但它找不到任何ID为app div:

<div id="app"></div>

To include an js file I would recommend the asset() helper: 要包含js文件,我建议使用asset()帮助器:

<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}"></script>

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