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[英]Jekyll Ignoring markdown headings

I have the following markdown file for a jekyll site: 对于jekyll网站,我具有以下markdown文件:

https://github.com/eQualityTime/TheOpenVoiceFactory/blob/gh-pages/guides.md , which parses correctly in github. https://github.com/eQualityTime/TheOpenVoiceFactory/blob/gh-pages/guides.md ,可以在github中正确解析。

However, something goes wrong when I parse with jekyll process and the headers look like this after I build them (full site is this one ): 但是,当我使用jekyll进程进行解析时出了点问题,并且在构建头之后,头看起来像这样(完整的网站是这个 ):


What's causing this? 是什么原因造成的?

In _includes/singlepage.html , you call {{ page.content }} , which is the unprocessed content. _includes / singlepage.html中 ,您调用{{ page.content }} ,这是未处理的内容。 Replace it by {{ content }} . 将其替换为{{ content }}

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