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如何在IIS 8上通过一个IP:PORT使用多个SSL证书

[英]How can i use multiple SSL certificate with one IP:PORT on IIS 8

I have 2 domains (www.domain1.com, www.domain2.com). 我有2个域(www.domain1.com,www.domain2.com)。 For both, I have a separate certificate. 对于这两者,我都有单独的证书。 Both domains have the same IP, but different host headers. 两个域具有相同的IP,但主机头不同。 How can I add https with cert1 to domain1 and https with cert2 to domain2 (on the same IP)? 如何将带有cert1的https与cert2添加到domain1(在同一IP上)? I tried to work around but didn't help me. 我试图解决问题,但没有帮助我。

one www.domain1.com binding I have selected https then I have given the hostname as www.domain1.com then I have checked the SNI checkbox then I have selected the domain1 SSL. 一个www.domain1.com绑定我选择了https,然后将主机名指定为www.domain1.com,然后选中了SNI复选框,然后选择了domain1 SSL。

Same steps I have done for www.domain2.com but when I run domain2.com it uses the SSL of domain1 since both domains have the same IP I don't know where I am missing my steps. 我对www.domain2.com所做的步骤相同,但是当我运行domain2.com时,它使用domain1的SSL,因为两个域具有相同的IP,我不知道我在哪里遗漏了我的步骤。 You help will be much appreciated 您的帮助将不胜感激

As per my knowledge, For Multiple Certificates installation using SNI, You do not require to enter the host name and check the SNI checkbox for the primary domain (www.domain1.com), But it is compulsory to enter the host name and check the Require Server Name Indication box for second domain (www.domain2.com). 据我所知,对于使用SNI安装多个证书,您不需要输入主机名并选中主域 (www.domain1.com)的SNI复选框,但是必须输入主机名并检查第二个域 (www.domain2.com)的“ 要求服务器名称指示”框

Find more information from here: 从此处查找更多信息:

https://support.comodo.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/1159/37/certificate-installation-microsoft-iis-8x#multiple https://support.comodo.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/1159/37/certificate-installation-microsoft-iis-8x#multiple

However, I recommend you to use Multi-Domain SSL certificate to protect multiple domains instead of using Multiple certificates. 但是,我建议您使用多域SSL证书来保护多个域,而不要使用多个证书。

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