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[英]NSButton value as default in swift

I am a newbie in swift using Xcode trying to write a small checklist app. 我是使用Xcode快速尝试编写一个小型清单应用程序的新手。 After I check/uncheck the checkbox and exit the app, the state just disappears next time when I reopen it next time. 选中/取消选中复选框并退出应用程序后,下次重新打开该状态时,下次将消失。 I am wondering how can I save the current state of NSButton as default so that next time when I open the app, it will show up the same state when I closed it. 我想知道如何将NSButton的当前状态保存为默认状态,以便下次打开应用程序时,它在关闭时会显示相同的状态。 I tried below practice: 我尝试了以下做法:

Set default value: 设置默认值:

@IBAction func Check1(_ sender: NSButton) {
        UserDefaults.standard.set(Check1.state, forKey:"Check1status")

Read default value: 读取默认值:

override var representedObject: Any? {
    didSet {
        Check1.state = UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey:"Check1status")

However I received error message:"Cannot assign value of type 'Bool' to type 'NSControl.StateValue'" 但是我收到错误消息:“无法将类型'Bool'的值分配给类型'NSControl.StateValue'”

How can I fix this error? 如何解决此错误? Thanks. 谢谢。

Because state is not a boolean value. 因为state不是布尔值。 In Objective-C, it's an integer. 在Objective-C中,它是整数。 In Swift, it's a struct whose rawValue is an integer. 在Swift中,这是一个rawValue是整数的结构 Also, don't set the state in representedObject.didSet . 此外,不要在设置状态representedObject.didSet Do it in viewDidLoad : viewDidLoad

override func viewDidLoad() {

    // When your app launches for the very first time on the user computer, set it to On
    UserDefaults.standard.register(defaults: [
        "Check1Status": NSControl.StateValue.on.rawValue

    let state = NSControl.StateValue(UserDefaults.standard.integer(forKey:"Check1status"))
    check1.state = state

@IBAction func check1(_ sender: NSButton) {
    // Swift performs do some background magic if you type check1.state
    // Adding rawValue make it clear that you are writing an integer to the UserDefaults
    UserDefaults.standard.set(check1.state.rawValue, forKey:"Check1status")

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