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[英]PHP : echo wordpress comments link and comments number on a href

I tried the search but did not get the complete answer to my question. 我尝试了搜索,但没有得到我问题的完整答案。 I build a WordPress website with redux framework options panel and need switch on/off the option to hide meta info on WordPress posts. 我使用redux框架选项面板构建了一个WordPress网站,并且需要打开/关闭该选项以隐藏WordPress帖子上的元信息。

I got already post date&author post link working but have a problem with echo href on WordPress comments link. 我已经可以发布日期和作者发布链接,但是WordPress评论链接上的echo href有问题。

original code looks like this 原始代码看起来像这样

<i class="far fa-comment"></i>&nbsp;<a href="<?php comments_link(); ?>"><?php comments_number('No comments', '1 comment', '% comments'); ?></a>

but I need to echo it inside PHP code 但我需要在PHP代码中回显它

<?php global $wpdf;
if( $wpdf['text-muted']){
    //Do Something if switch is on(i.e - true)
    if(esc_html($wpdf['text-muted'] == '1')) { 
        echo '<i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i>&nbsp;';
        echo wpdf_post_date();
        echo '&nbsp;|&nbsp;<i class="far fa-user"></i>&nbsp;';
        echo the_author_posts_link();
        echo '&nbsp;|&nbsp;<i class="far fa-comment"></i>&nbsp;';


echo '<i class="far fa-comment"></i>&nbsp;<a href="'.get_comments_link( $post_ID ).'">'.comments_number("No comments", "1 comment", "% comments").'</a>';

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