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[英]Can I create a pytest.fixture that returns combinations of arguments?

The inputs to the the algorithm being tested is a list of strings (known in advance) with associated years, eg all of the following are valid inputs: 被测试算法的输入是带有关联年份的字符串列表(预先已知),例如,以下所有均为有效输入:

['A_2018', 'B_2019', 'C_2018']

I've got the following simple year fixture: 我有以下简单的固定装置:

@pytest.fixture(params=range(2018, 2025))
def year(request):
    return request.param

If I create individual fixtures for each valid string: 如果我为每个有效字符串创建单独的灯具:

@pytest.fixture(params=['A', ''])
def A(request, year):
    return request.param, year

@pytest.fixture(params=['B', ''])
def B(request, year):
    return request.param, year

etc. and use them in tests like: 等,并在测试中使用它们,例如:

def test_foo(A, B):
    args = []
    if A[0]:
        args.append('%s_%d' % A)
    if B[0]:
        args.append('%s_%d' % B)
    assert old_algorithm(args) == new_algorithm(args)

I get 我懂了

['A_2018', 'B_2018']
['A_2019', 'B_2019']
['A_2020', 'B_2020']

etc. where the year is always the same for both parameters. 等等,其中两个参数的年份始终相同。

Is there a way to create all combinations? 有没有办法创建所有组合?

Is a fixture generating combinations a requirement? 灯具产生组合的要求吗? Because otherwise, applying pytest.mark.parametrize separately for each test input arg generates the input args combinations just fine. 否则,对每个测试输入arg分别应用pytest.mark.parametrize生成输入args组合。 In the example below both fixtures A and B are parametrized separately, generating (2025 - 2018)**2 tests in total: 在下面的示例中,夹具AB分别进行了参数设置,总共生成(2025 - 2018)**2测试:

def A(request):
    return 'A', request.param

def B(request):
    return 'B', request.param

@pytest.mark.parametrize('A', range(2018, 2025), indirect=True, ids=lambda year: 'A({})'.format(year))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('B', range(2018, 2025), indirect=True, ids=lambda year: 'B({})'.format(year))
def test_foo(A, B):
    assert A[0] == 'A' and B[0] == 'B'

As a result, 49 tests are produced: 结果,进行了49次测试:

$ pytest --collect-only | grep collected
collected 49 items

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