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[英]how to toggle between hiding and showing multiple pictures with a single button

I have to write a code that includes 12 pictures and a “display” button. 我必须编写一个包含12张图片和一个“显示”按钮的代码。 when I push display button first picture disappears when I push the display button for the second time, the second picture disappears too and this process goes on until all 12 pictures are disappeared. 当我按下显示按钮时,当第二次按下显示按钮时,第一张照片消失了,第二张照片也消失了,此过程一直进行到所有12张照片消失为止。 when I push display button for the 13th time, the first picture appears and when I push display button for the 14th time the second picture appears too and this process goes on until all twelve pictures appear again … this is the code I have written but unfortunately it doesn't work, please help me with it: 当我第13次按下显示按钮时,出现第一个图片,当我第14次按下显示按钮时,第二个图片也出现,并且此过程一直进行到所有十二个图片再次出现为止……这是我编写的代码,但不幸的是它不起作用,请帮我解决这个问题:

<style type="text/css">
  <table class="table" >
      <td><IMG SRC="blfy.gif" ALT="Butterflies" id="bfly"></td>
      <td><IMG SRC="eye.gif" ALT="Eye" id="eye"></td>
      <td><IMG SRC="wave.gif" ALT="Wave" id="wave"></td>
      <td><IMG SRC="jungle.gif" ALT="Jungle" id="jungle"></td>
      <td><IMG SRC="bridge.gif" ALT="Bridge" id="bridge"></td>
      <td><IMG SRC="duck.gif" ALT="Duck" id="duck"></td>
      <td><IMG SRC="egg.gif" ALT="Eggs" id="egg"></td>
      <td><IMG SRC="aurora.gif" ALT="Aurora" id="aurora"></td>
      <td><IMG SRC="it.gif" ALT="Technology" id="it"></td>
      <td><IMG SRC="hill.gif" ALT="Hills" id="hill"></td>
      <td><IMG SRC="string.gif" ALT="strings" id="string"></td>
      <td><IMG SRC="vegi.gif" ALT="vegetables" id="vegi"></td>
<style type="text/css">
    .botton {
<button class="botton"; onclick="dispfunc()">Display</button>
function dispfunc()
var a = document.getElementById("bfly");
var b = document.getElementById("eye");
var c = document.getElementById("wave");
var d = document.getElementById("jungle");
var e = document.getElementById("bridge");
var f = document.getElementById("duck");
var g = document.getElementById("egg");
var h = document.getElementById("aurora");
var i = document.getElementById("it");
var j = document.getElementById("hill");
var k = document.getElementById("string");
var l = document.getElementById("vegi");

    if (a.style.display === "none" && b.style.display === "none" && c.style.display === "none" && d.style.display === "none" && e.style.display === "none" &&
    f.style.display === "none" && g.style.display === "none" && h.style.display === "none" && i.style.display === "none" && j.style.display === "none" &&
    k.style.display === "none" && l.style.display === "none" )  
    {a.style.display = "block";}

    else if (a.style.display === "block" && b.style.display === "none" && c.style.display === "none" && d.style.display === "none" && e.style.display === "none" &&
    f.style.display === "none" && g.style.display === "none" && h.style.display === "none" && i.style.display === "none" && j.style.display === "none" &&
    k.style.display === "none" && l.style.display === "none" ) 
    {b.style.display = "block";}

    else if (a.style.display === "block" && b.style.display === "block" && c.style.display === "none" && d.style.display === "none" && e.style.display === "none" &&
    f.style.display === "none" && g.style.display === "none" && h.style.display === "none" && i.style.display === "none" && j.style.display === "none" &&
    k.style.display === "none" && l.style.display === "none" ) 
    {c.style.display = "block";}

    else if (a.style.display === "block" && b.style.display === "block" && c.style.display === "block" && d.style.display === "none" && e.style.display === "none" &&
    f.style.display === "none" && g.style.display === "none" && h.style.display === "none" && i.style.display === "none" && j.style.display === "none" &&
    k.style.display === "none" && l.style.display === "none" ) 
    {d.style.display = "block";}

    else if (a.style.display === "block" && b.style.display === "block" && c.style.display === "block" && d.style.display === "block" && e.style.display === "none" &&
    f.style.display === "none" && g.style.display === "none" && h.style.display === "none" && i.style.display === "none" && j.style.display === "none" &&
    k.style.display === "none" && l.style.display === "none" ) 
    {e.style.display = "block";}

    else if (a.style.display === "block" && b.style.display === "block" && c.style.display === "block" && d.style.display === "block" && e.style.display === "block" &&
    f.style.display === "none" && g.style.display === "none" && h.style.display === "none" && i.style.display === "none" && j.style.display === "none" &&
    k.style.display === "none" && l.style.display === "none" ) 
    {f.style.display = "block";}

    else if (a.style.display === "block" && b.style.display === "block" && c.style.display === "block" && d.style.display === "block" && e.style.display === "block" &&
    f.style.display === "block" && g.style.display === "none" && h.style.display === "none" && i.style.display === "none" && j.style.display === "none" &&
    k.style.display === "none" && l.style.display === "none" ) 
    {g.style.display = "block";}

    else if (a.style.display === "block" && b.style.display === "block" && c.style.display === "block" && d.style.display === "block" && e.style.display === "block" &&
    f.style.display === "block" && g.style.display === "block" && h.style.display === "none" && i.style.display === "none" && j.style.display === "none" &&
    k.style.display === "none" && l.style.display === "none" ) 
    {h.style.display = "block";}

    else if (a.style.display === "block" && b.style.display === "block" && c.style.display === "block" && d.style.display === "block" && e.style.display === "block" &&
    f.style.display === "block" && g.style.display === "block" && h.style.display === "block" && i.style.display === "none" && j.style.display === "none" &&
    k.style.display === "none" && l.style.display === "none" ) 
    {i.style.display = "block";}

    else if (a.style.display === "block" && b.style.display === "block" && c.style.display === "block" && d.style.display === "block" && e.style.display === "block" &&
    f.style.display === "block" && g.style.display === "block" && h.style.display === "block" && i.style.display === "block" && j.style.display === "none" &&
    k.style.display === "none" && l.style.display === "none" ) 
    {j.style.display = "block";}

    else if (a.style.display === "block" && b.style.display === "block" && c.style.display === "block" && d.style.display === "block" && e.style.display === "block" &&
    f.style.display === "block" && g.style.display === "block" && h.style.display === "block" && i.style.display === "block" && j.style.display === "block" &&
    k.style.display === "none" && l.style.display === "none" ) 
    {k.style.display = "block";}

    else if (a.style.display === "block" && b.style.display === "block" && c.style.display === "block" && d.style.display === "block" && e.style.display === "block" &&
    f.style.display === "block" && g.style.display === "block" && h.style.display === "block" && i.style.display === "block" && j.style.display === "block" &&
    k.style.display === "block" && l.style.display === "none" ) 
    {l.style.display = "block";}

    else if (a.style.display === "block" && b.style.display === "block" && c.style.display === "block" && d.style.display === "block" && e.style.display === "block" &&
    f.style.display === "block" && g.style.display === "block" && h.style.display === "block" && i.style.display === "block" && j.style.display === "block" &&
    k.style.display === "block" && l.style.display === "block" ) 
    {a.style.display = "none";}

    else if (a.style.display === "none" && b.style.display === "block" && c.style.display === "block" && d.style.display === "block" && e.style.display === "block" &&
    f.style.display === "block" && g.style.display === "block" && h.style.display === "block" && i.style.display === "block" && j.style.display === "block" &&
    k.style.display === "block" && l.style.display === "block" ) 
    {b.style.display = "none";}

    else if (a.style.display === "none" && b.style.display === "none" && c.style.display === "block" && d.style.display === "block" && e.style.display === "block" &&
    f.style.display === "block" && g.style.display === "block" && h.style.display === "block" && i.style.display === "block" && j.style.display === "block" &&
    k.style.display === "block" && l.style.display === "block" ) 
    {c.style.display = "none";}

    else if (a.style.display === "none" && b.style.display === "none" && c.style.display === "none" && d.style.display === "block" && e.style.display === "block" &&
    f.style.display === "block" && g.style.display === "block" && h.style.display === "block" && i.style.display === "block" && j.style.display === "block" &&
    k.style.display === "block" && l.style.display === "block" ) 
    {d.style.display = "none";}

    else if (a.style.display === "none" && b.style.display === "none" && c.style.display === "none" && d.style.display === "none" && e.style.display === "block" &&
    f.style.display === "block" && g.style.display === "block" && h.style.display === "block" && i.style.display === "block" && j.style.display === "block" &&
    k.style.display === "block" && l.style.display === "block" ) 
    {e.style.display = "none";}

    else if (a.style.display === "none" && b.style.display === "none" && c.style.display === "none" && d.style.display === "none" && e.style.display === "none" &&
    f.style.display === "block" && g.style.display === "block" && h.style.display === "block" && i.style.display === "block" && j.style.display === "block" &&
    k.style.display === "block" && l.style.display === "block" ) 
    {f.style.display = "none";}

    else if (a.style.display === "none" && b.style.display === "none" && c.style.display === "none" && d.style.display === "none" && e.style.display === "none" &&
    f.style.display === "none" && g.style.display === "block" && h.style.display === "block" && i.style.display === "block" && j.style.display === "block" &&
    k.style.display === "block" && l.style.display === "block" ) 
    {g.style.display = "none";}

    else if (a.style.display === "none" && b.style.display === "none" && c.style.display === "none" && d.style.display === "none" && e.style.display === "none" &&
    f.style.display === "none" && g.style.display === "none" && h.style.display === "block" && i.style.display === "block" && j.style.display === "block" &&
    k.style.display === "block" && l.style.display === "block" ) 
    {h.style.display = "none";}

    else if (a.style.display === "none" && b.style.display === "none" && c.style.display === "none" && d.style.display === "none" && e.style.display === "none" &&
    f.style.display === "none" && g.style.display === "none" && h.style.display === "none" && i.style.display === "block" && j.style.display === "block" &&
    k.style.display === "block" && l.style.display === "block" ) 
    {i.style.display = "none";}

    else if (a.style.display === "none" && b.style.display === "none" && c.style.display === "none" && d.style.display === "none" && e.style.display === "none" &&
    f.style.display === "none" && g.style.display === "none" && h.style.display === "none" && i.style.display === "none" && j.style.display === "block" &&
    k.style.display === "block" && l.style.display === "block" ) 
    {j.style.display = "none";}

    else if (a.style.display === "none" && b.style.display === "none" && c.style.display === "none" && d.style.display === "none" && e.style.display === "none" &&
    f.style.display === "none" && g.style.display === "none" && h.style.display === "none" && i.style.display === "none" && j.style.display === "none" &&
    k.style.display === "block" && l.style.display === "block" ) 
    {k.style.display = "none";}

    else (a.style.display === "none" && b.style.display === "none" && c.style.display === "none" && d.style.display === "none" && e.style.display === "none" &&
    f.style.display === "none" && g.style.display === "none" && h.style.display === "none" && i.style.display === "none" && j.style.display === "none" &&
    k.style.display === "none" && l.style.display === "block" ) 
    {l.style.display = "none";}

Use an array instead. 请改用数组。

const elements = ['bfly', 'eye', 'wave', 'jungle', 'bridge', 'duck', 'egg', 'aurora', 'it', 'hill', 'string', 'vegi']
let currentSelectedIndex = 0;
function dispfunc(){
  elements[currentSelectedIndex].style.display = 'none';
  currentSelectedIndex = (currentSelectedIndex + 1) % elements.length;
  elements[currentSelectedIndex].style.display = 'block';

Using jquery to solve it. 用jquery来解决。 This can solve show and hide of many images (ie more than 13 even) jquery: 这可以解决显示和隐藏许多图像(即甚至超过13个)jquery的问题:

var count = 0;
var hide = 0;
$( "#toogle" ).click(function() {   
if(hide%2==0) {
    if(count>=12) {
        count = 1;
    } else {
$( "#img" + count ).show();
else {
 $( "#img" + count ).hide();

css: CSS:

.img {
display: none;

and the following html can be added to img take 并且可以将以下html添加到img take中

<button id="toogle">toggle</button> //onclicking each image toggles
 <table class="table" >
  <td><IMG SRC="blfy.gif" ALT="Butterflies" id="img1" class="img"></td>
  <td><IMG SRC="eye.gif" ALT="Eye" id="img2" class="img"></td>
  <td><IMG SRC="wave.gif" ALT="Wave" id="img3" class="img"></td>
  <td><IMG SRC="jungle.gif" ALT="Jungle" id="img4" class="img"></td>
  <td><IMG SRC="bridge.gif" ALT="Bridge" id="img5" class="img"></td>
  <td><IMG SRC="duck.gif" ALT="Duck" id="img6" class="img"></td>
  <td><IMG SRC="egg.gif" ALT="Eggs" id="img7" class="img"></td>
  <td><IMG SRC="aurora.gif" ALT="Aurora" id="img8" class="img"></td>
  <td><IMG SRC="it.gif" ALT="Technology" id="img9" class="img"></td>
  <td><IMG SRC="hill.gif" ALT="Hills" id="img10" class="img"></td>
  <td><IMG SRC="string.gif" ALT="strings" id="img11" class="img"></td>
  <td><IMG SRC="vegi.gif" ALT="vegetables" id="img12" class="img"></td>

add following statement in head 在头上添加以下声明

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

I think this can solve it 我认为这可以解决

you dont need so many conditional statements, All you need is a bit more sophisticated markup and way to uniquely identify the nth image for the nth click. 您不需要那么多的条件语句,您所需要的只是稍微复杂一点的标记和方法,以唯一地标识第n次点击的第n张图片。

I have added a classes 'img img-${index}' and you can use the querySelector to get the nth image and repeat. 我添加了一个类'img img-$ {index}',您可以使用querySelector获取第n个图像并重复。

 document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { var currentImgIndex = 0; var totalImages = 12; document.querySelector('.bottom').addEventListener('click', function() { var currnetIndex = currentImgIndex % totalImages; var currentActive = document.querySelector('.img.active'); if (currentActive) { currentActive.classList.remove('active'); } document.querySelector('.img-' + currnetIndex).classList.add('active'); currentImgIndex++; }); }); 
 .bottom { height: 30px; width: 315px; } img.active { border: 1px solid red; } .table { margin-left: 0; text-align: center; } 
 <table class="table"> <tr> <td> <img SRC="blfy.gif" ALT="Butterflies" id="bfly" class='img img-0' /> </td> <td> <img SRC="eye.gif" ALT="Eye" id="eye" class='img img-1' /> </td> <td> <img SRC="wave.gif" ALT="Wave" id="wave" class='img img-2' /> </td> <td> <IMG SRC="jungle.gif" ALT="Jungle" id="jungle" class='img img-3' /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <IMG SRC="bridge.gif" ALT="Bridge" id="bridge" class='img img-4' /> </td> <td> <IMG SRC="duck.gif" ALT="Duck" id="duck" class='img img-5' /> </td> <td> <IMG SRC="egg.gif" ALT="Eggs" id="egg" class='img img-6' /> </td> <td> <IMG SRC="aurora.gif" ALT="Aurora" id="aurora" class='img img-7' /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <IMG SRC="it.gif" ALT="Technology" id="it" class='img img-8' /> </td> <td> <IMG SRC="hill.gif" ALT="Hills" id="hill" class='img img-9' /> </td> <td> <IMG SRC="string.gif" ALT="strings" id="string" class='img img-10' /> </td> <td> <IMG SRC="vegi.gif" ALT="vegetables" id="vegi" class='img img-11' /> </td> </tr> </table> <button class="bottom">Display</button> 

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