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[英]Authentification with ember-simple-auth in before model hook

I create a app thet need to implement authentification with email/password on all pages except one page (mobile_messages), where need to authenticate with refresh token. 我创建了一个应用程序,需要在除一页(mobile_messages)之外的所有页面上使用电子邮件/密码进行身份验证,在该页面上需要使用刷新令牌进行身份验证。 I extend from JWT authenticator and override authenticate method. 我从JWT身份验证器扩展并覆盖了authenticate方法。 So it looks like: 所以看起来像:

authenticate (credentials, headers) {
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  this.makeRequest('/auth/mobile_token', credentials, headers)
    .then((response) => {
      Ember.run(() => {
        try {
          const sessionData = this.handleAuthResponse(response)
        } catch (error) {
    }, (xhr) => {
      Ember.run(() => { reject(xhr.responseJSON || xhr.responseText) })

} }

On mobile_messages route I try to authenticate in before model hook. 在mobile_messages路由上,我尝试在模型钩子之前进行身份验证。

beforeModel (transition) {
const authenticator = 'authenticator:api-token'
return this.get('session').authenticate(authenticator, {api_token: transition.queryParams.api_token}).then(() => {
  }, (reason) => {
  this.get('notifications').error('Permission denied.', {
    autoClear: true,
    clearDuration: 6200

}, },

I need to stay on mobile_messages route if authenticate rejected. 如果身份验证被拒绝,我需要保持在mobile_messages路由上。 But when I enter to route with wront token I got next backtrase: 但是当我输入带有令牌的路由时,我得到了下一个回溯:

Preparing to transition from '' to 'mobileMessages'
index.js:169 generated -> controller:mobileMessages {fullName: 
index.js:169 generated -> controller:aut`enter code here`henticated 
{fullName: "controller:authenticated"}
index.js:169 generated -> controller:loading {fullName: 
router.js:300 Intermediate-transitioned into 'authenticated.loading'
index.js:169 generated -> route:messages-faxes {fullName: 
router.js:190 Transitioned into 'login'
jquery.js:9600 POST http://localhost:3000/auth/mobile_token 500 
(Internal Server Error)

It looks like I was redirected before got response from server. 好像我在从服务器得到响应之前被重定向了。 An I can't find who is redirect me from route. 我找不到谁将我从路线重定向。 I try to check ApplicationRouteMixin but i got that sessionInvalidated method calls only if you click logout button. 我尝试检查ApplicationRouteMixin,但是只有当您单击注销按钮时,我才获得了sessionInvalidated方法调用。 And sessionAuthenticated after success authentification. 并在成功认证后进行sessionAuthenticated。

If I push to route correct token, then I first redirect to login page and then sessionAuthenticated fires. 如果我推送路由正确的令牌,那么我将首先重定向到登录页面,然后触发sessionAuthenticated。 After that i redirect to baseURL. 之后,我重定向到baseURL。

Hot to solve issue with redirection to login page? 迫切需要解决重定向到登录页面的问题?

Ember Simple Auth uses Mixins to determine the route transition behavior that should happen if a user is authenticated/unauthenticated. Ember Simple Auth使用Mixins来确定如果对用户进行身份验证/未身份验证,则应该发生的路由转换行为。

For example, this mixin will not allow the user to stay on the route if they are unauthenticated: 例如,如果用户未经身份验证,此混合将不允许用户停留在路线上:

import AuthenticatedRouteMixin from 'ember-simple-auth/mixins/authenticated-route-mixin';

export default Ember.Route.extend(AuthenticatedRouteMixin, {
  // route code

What you probably want to use is the UnauthenticatedRouteMixin 您可能要使用的是UnauthenticatedRouteMixin

This mixin is used to make routes accessible only if the session is not authenticated (eg, login and registration routes). 仅在会话未通过身份验证的情况下,此混合器才用于使路由可访问(例如,登录和注册路由)。 It defines a beforeModel method that aborts the current transition and instead transitions to the routeIfAlreadyAuthenticated if the session is authenticated. 它定义了一个beforeModel方法,该方法将中止当前转换,如果会话已通过身份验证,则转换为routeIfAlreadyAuthenticated。

Include UnauthenticatedRouteMixin in your routes, which needs to accessed if the session is not validated. 在您的路由中包括UnauthenticatedRouteMixin,如果会话未通过验证,则需要访问该路由。 For example: 例如:

// app/routes/login.js
import UnauthenticatedRouteMixin from 'ember-simple- 

export default Ember.Route.extend(UnauthenticatedRouteMixin);

It was an error with loading hook. 加载挂钩是错误的。 I make an error with naming routes. 我在命名路线时出错。 I created route with name loading to redirect to messages-faxes route. 我创建了带有名称加载的路由,以重定向到邮件传真路由。 In this case when before model hook return promise ember generate route:application_loading. 在这种情况下,当模型挂钩返回之前,promer ember会生成route:application_loading。 In application_loading route I run transition to messages-faxes route which has UnauthenticatedRouteMixin. 在application_loading路由中,我运行到具有UnauthenticatedRouteMixin的消息-传真路由的过渡。 This mixin see that user is not Authenticated and redirect to loading page. 此混入看到该用户未通过身份验证,并重定向到加载页面。

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