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[英]Is it possible to “blackbox” or skip other extensions when debugging vscode extensions?

I have an issue where my development environment has a few large extensions in it, and debugging my own extension using the "All exceptions" and/or "Promise rejects" breakpoints will hit on them quite frequently. 我的问题是我的开发环境中包含一些大扩展,而使用“所有异常”和/或“承诺拒绝”断点调试我自己的扩展会经常遇到这些问题。

I am aware of the skipFiles option in the launch configuration, and that you can use a custom "Data" folder when launching code with the --user-data-dir option, but neither of these solutions seem to work for me. 我知道启动配置中的skipFiles选项,并且使用--user-data-dir选项启动code时可以使用自定义的“ Data”文件夹,但是这些解决方案似乎都不适合我。 I can't figure out how to find generically define the extensions folder with skipFiles , and --user-data-dir doesn't seem to work as I'd expected and doesn't seem to be for my purpose. 我无法弄清楚如何使用skipFiles来通用地定义扩展文件夹,并且--user-data-dir似乎不符合我的预期,也不是出于我的目的。

To put it plainly, my ideal situation would be to use the debug shortcut F5 and for a completely sterile version of vscode to launch with only my extension loaded and settings which aren't inherited from my development environment. 简而言之,我的理想情况是使用调试快捷键F5并启动完全无菌版本的vscode,仅加载我的扩展名和未从我的开发环境继承的设置。

In the following image of a breakpoint being hit , you can see that the first party extension "git" in the path "/Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/extensions/git/src/git.ts" is still being tracked. 遇到断点下图中 ,您可以看到路径“ / Applications / Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/extensions/git/src/git.ts”中的第一方扩展“ git”仍在跟踪中。 The command line switch --disable-extensions does not exclude this either. 命令行开关--disable-extensions也不排除这一点。

You can disable all other extensions when debugging your own extension via the --disable-extensions flag. 通过--disable-extensions标志调试您自己的扩展时,可以禁用所有其他扩展。 Just pass it via the args attribute in your launch.json : 只需通过launch.jsonargs属性将其launch.json

"args": [

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