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在 Symfony4 中注册自定义 Doctrine 类型

[英]Register custom Doctrine type in Symfony4

So I have this custom Doctrine type所以我有这个自定义的 Doctrine 类型

namespace App\\Doctrine\\Types;命名空间 App\\Doctrine\\Types;

use Doctrine\\DBAL\\Platforms\\AbstractPlatform;使用 Doctrine\\DBAL\\Platforms\\AbstractPlatform; use Doctrine\\DBAL\\Types\\TextType;使用 Doctrine\\DBAL\\Types\\TextType;

class MyType extends TextType
   private $prefix='';

   public function getName()
      return 'my_type';
   public function setPrefix(string $prefix)

I registerd in in the config/packages/doctrine.yml:我在 config/packages/doctrine.yml 中注册:

            my_type: App\Doctrine\Types\MyType

Then in Kernel boot() I'm trying to add some parameters to this type:然后在 Kernel boot() 中,我尝试向这种类型添加一些参数:

public function boot() {


This works perfectly the first time I run the app.这在我第一次运行该应用程序时非常有效。 The prefix is set for the type and can be used through the whole app.前缀是为类型设置的,可以在整个应用程序中使用。 However, the second time I get an Exception:但是,我第二次遇到异常:

Unknown column type "encrypted_text" requested.请求了未知的列类型“encrypted_text”。 Any Doctrine type that you use has to be registered with \\Doctrine\\DBAL\\Types\\Type::addType().您使用的任何 Doctrine 类型都必须使用 \\Doctrine\\DBAL\\Types\\Type::addType() 进行注册。 You can get a list of all the known types with \\Doctrine\\DBAL\\Types\\Type::getTypesMap().您可以使用 \\Doctrine\\DBAL\\Types\\Type::getTypesMap() 获取所有已知类型的列表。 If this error occurs during database introspection then you might have forgotten to register all database types for a Doctrine Type.如果在数据库内省期间发生此错误,那么您可能忘记为 Doctrine 类型注册所有数据库类型。 Use AbstractPlatform#registerDoctrineTypeMapping() or have your custom types implement Type#getMappedDatabaseTypes().使用 AbstractPlatform#registerDoctrineTypeMapping() 或让您的自定义类型实现 Type#getMappedDatabaseTypes()。 If the type name is empty you might have a problem with the cache or forgot some mapping information.如果类型名称为空,则可能是缓存有问题或忘记了一些映射信息。

I then changed boot() to :然后我将 boot() 更改为:

    public function boot() {
       if (!Type::hasType('my_type')) {
           Type::addType('my_type', 'App\Doctrine\Types\MyType');

Now the exception is gone, but the prefix is not set.现在异常消失了,但没有设置前缀。 I know the exceptions gives me information about what to do but I really don't know where to start.我知道异常给了我关于做什么的信息,但我真的不知道从哪里开始。

Can anyone point me in the right direction?任何人都可以指出我正确的方向吗?

For now I fixed it by removing it from config/packages/doctrine.yml so it's not registered there anymore.现在我通过从 config/packages/doctrine.yml 中删除它来修复它,所以它不再在那里注册。 In Kernel I can now load it:在内核中,我现在可以加载它:

    public function boot() {
       if (!Type::hasType('my_type')) {
           Type::addType('my_type', 'App\Doctrine\Types\MyType');
       $myType = Type::getType('my_type');

I still can't really understand why this works before building the cache but not once the cache is build.我仍然无法真正理解为什么这在构建缓存之前有效,但在构建缓存后就不行了。 But well, I can continue now.不过好吧,我现在可以继续了。

If someone has a better answer, I'd be more than happy to accept it.如果有人有更好的答案,我很乐意接受。

#This is may answer!!!

 **IMPORTANTE!! Because in Symfony/PHP (NO Object Oriented Language) don't storaging a state it's need make this form to mapping an ENUM type or any Custom Type similary to ENUM.**

For customize and mapping you types as Enum in DB table, you need to have a higher version Symfony >= 4.4 for to use this Bundle.为了自定义和映射您在 DB 表中键入的 Enum,您需要有更高版本的 Symfony >= 4.4 才能使用此 Bundle。 Execute it in your project (command prompt)在您的项目中执行它(命令提示符)

                composer req fresh/doctrine-enum-bundle 
Link  example --> [https://github.com/fre5h/DoctrineEnumBundle][1] .
I made do this and it's ok for my app.

1 1

    So, copy this class from this link 
    and storage it in src/DBAL/Types =(IF NOT EXIST, CREATE IT), in your project Symfony => 4.4 o higher version.

    #This is your Base class type.

2 2

    Create this Table in Your Database (in my case I'm using MySql DB):

    CREATE TABLE players (
        position ENUM('PG', 'SG', 'SF', 'PF', 'C') NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY(id)

3 3

    Create an Entity class for mapping table  (Players) from your Databae inside your project level directory.

    php bin/console doctrine:mapping:import "App\Entity" annotation --path=src/Entity --filter="Players"

4 4

    Create getter and setters for your new Entity:

    php bin/console make:entity --regenerate App 

5 5

    Generate your CRUD operation for Entty class + frontend.

    php bin/console make:entity --regenerate App 

6 6

 Create your custom Type class BasketballPositionType 

namespace App\DBAL\Types;

use Fresh\DoctrineEnumBundle\DBAL\Types\AbstractEnumType;

final class BasketballPositionType extends AbstractEnumType
    public const POINT_GUARD = 'PG';
    public const SHOOTING_GUARD = 'SG';
    public const SMALL_FORWARD = 'SF';
    public const POWER_FORWARD = 'PF';
    public const CENTER = 'C';

    protected static $choices = [
        self::POINT_GUARD => 'Point Guard',
        self::SHOOTING_GUARD => 'Shooting Guard',
        self::SMALL_FORWARD => 'Small Forward',
        self::POWER_FORWARD => 'Power Forward',
        self::CENTER => 'Center'

7 7

Go inside this path in your Symfony project at 


and create this class php : doctrime.php.
This class it's necesary for to Register your new Type. 
Can you find more information at link for register new type in synfony 

    Copy this fragment of code end paste in doctrime.php class:

    $container->loadFromExtension('doctrine', [
        'dbal' => [
            'mapping_types' => [
                'enum'  => 'string', /////////mapping enum to as stringa
            'types' => [
                'BasketballPositionType' => App\DBAL\Types\BasketballPositionType::class,

   So, bindig ENUM type db in String and your new Type is "BasketballPositionType"  !!!!

8 8

    Now, use your Custom Type in your Entity Class mapping 'Players'.


namespace App\Entity;
     ** very important
use App\DBAL\Types\BasketballPositionType;  
use Fresh\DoctrineEnumBundle\Validator\Constraints as DoctrineAssert; 

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

 * Players
 * @ORM\Table(name="players")
 * @ORM\Entity
class Players
     * @var int
     * @ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer", nullable=false)
     * @ORM\Id
     * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="IDENTITY")
    private $id;

     * @var string
     * @ORM\Column(name="position", type="BasketballPositionType", length=255, nullable=false)
     * @DoctrineAssert\Enum(entity="App\DBAL\Types\BasketballPositionType")
    private $position;

    public function getId(): ?int
        return $this->id;

    public function getPosition(): ?string
        return $this->position;

    public function setPosition(string $position): self
        $this->position = $position;

        return $this;



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                                    [  symfony serve ]
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        I'm use CMDER prompt command because it has Git incorporated. 
        It's very easy!!

      [1]: https://symfony.com/doc/current/doctrine/dbal.html

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