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启用迁移在 Package 管理器控制台中不起作用

[英]Enable Migrations does not work in Package Manager Console

I installed EF in my soluton:我在我的解决方案中安装了 EF:

PM> Install-Package EntityFramework -IncludePrerelease

After that, I am trying to execute enable migration command, but it does not work:之后,我尝试执行启用迁移命令,但它不起作用:

PM> enable-migrations


No context type was found in the assembly 'MyProjectName'.

从下拉菜单Default Project中指定目标项目(具有DbContext派生类),或者:

PM> enable-migrations -Project <MyProjectName>

try this command may help.试试这个命令可能会有帮助。

EntityFrameworkCore\enable-migrations EntityFrameworkCore\启用迁移

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