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[英]How to put data from json to extjs grid view in ext window

I have JSON data which is stored in one object. 我有存储在一个对象中的JSON数据。

Now I have to show data on UI in Grid View. 现在,我必须在网格视图中的UI上显示数据。 When I click on the button one new window should be open and in that window the JSON data will be shown. 当我单击按钮时,应打开一个新窗口,并在该窗口中显示JSON数据。

I am not able to iterate JSON and put the data into grid view. 我无法迭代JSON并将数据放入网格视图。

Here is my code 这是我的代码

var data = response.responseText;
var win = new Ext.Window({
    modal : true,
    height: 410,
    width: 700,
    style: 'background: #fff',
    insetPadding: 60,
    closable    : true,
    closeAction : 'destroy',
    title       : 'API Usage',
    autoScroll  : true,
    buttonAlign : 'center',
    items: //What should I write?

My json data 我的json数据

      "apiName": "List",
      "action": "GET",
      "count": 24
      "apiName": "Test",
      "action": "GET",
      "count": 8

Can any one help how will I iterate this JSON data and put the data into this new Window in extJS? 有谁能帮助我如何迭代此JSON数据并将数据放入extJS的新Window中?

Example, based on your question: 示例,基于您的问题:

    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"/>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../ext/resources/css/ext-all.css"> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../ext/ext-all-debug.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">


    /** This sounds more like JSON object
    * var data = {
    *   "list": [
    *       {
    *           "apiName": "List",
    *           "action": "GET",
    *           "count": 24
    *       },
    *       {
    *           "apiName": "Test",
    *           "action": "GET",
    *           "count": 8
    *       }
    *   ]   
    * };
    var data = [
                "apiName": "List",
                "action": "GET",
                "count": 24
                "apiName": "Test",
                "action": "GET",
                "count": 8

    var win = new Ext.Window({
        modal : true,
        layout: 'fit',
        height: 410,
        width: 700,
        style: 'background: #fff',
        insetPadding: 60,
        closable    : true,
        closeAction : 'destroy',
        title       : 'API Usage',
        autoScroll  : true,
        buttonAlign : 'center',
        items: [
            xtype: 'gridpanel',
            autoScroll: true,
            stripeRows: true,
            width: 420,
            height: 200,
            columnLines: false,
            store: new Ext.data.Store({
                fields: ['apiName', 'action', 'count'],
                * data: data.list
                data: data[1]
            columns : [
                {header : 'API Name', sortable : true, width: 100, dataIndex : 'apiName'},
                {header : 'Action', sortable : true, width : 100, dataIndex : 'action'},
                {header : 'Count', sortable : true, width : 100, dataIndex : 'count'}

Notes: Tested with ExtJS 4.2 注意:经过ExtJS 4.2测试

Below are the detail and modified code for your answer 以下是您的答案的详细信息和修改后的代码

Ext.onReady(function() {

var myData = [
                {'apiName':'List', 'action':'GET','count':'23'}, 
                {'apiName':'Test', 'action':'GET','count':'24'}

    var store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
        fields: [
            { name: 'apiName', type: 'string' },
            { name: 'action', type: 'string' },
            { name: 'count', type: 'string' }


    var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
        store: store,
        loadMask: true,
        columns: [
            { header: 'apiName', dataIndex: 'apiName' },
            { header: 'action', dataIndex: 'action' },
            { header: 'count', dataIndex: 'count' }
        viewConfig: {
            forceFit: true

    var myWin = new Ext.Window({
        layout: 'fit',
        title: 'API Usage',
        width: 400,
        height: 300,
        closable: true,
        buttonAlign: 'center',
        items: [grid],
        modal: true

**I created a fiddle using your store values in a popup. Go through this link for details code.**

Click here for Fiddle link 单击此处获取小提琴链接

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