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ScalaFX TableView-简单的示例编译器错误

[英]ScalaFX TableView - simple example compiler error

I am just trying to get familiar with ScalaFX, and my Scala knowledge is also still in embryo phase. 我只是想熟悉ScalaFX,而我的Scala知识也仍处于萌芽阶段。 Can you please help me out, in the following simple problem? 在以下简单问题中,您能帮我什么忙吗?

import scalafx.application.JFXApp
import scalafx.application.JFXApp.PrimaryStage
import scalafx.collections.ObservableBuffer
import scalafx.scene.Scene
import scalafx.scene.control.TableColumn._
import scalafx.scene.control.{TableCell, TableColumn, TableView}

object Gui extends JFXApp {

case class listInfo(text: String, subtexts: List[String], thumbnail: String, attributeField: Int)

  val demo = ObservableBuffer[listInfo](
    new listInfo("dewdfasc", subtexts = List("first", "second"), "tdsam", 1),
    new listInfo("hgfhfghn", subtexts = List("first", "second"), "tdsacdsm", 2)

  stage = new PrimaryStage {
    title = "ScalaFX Hello World"
    scene = new Scene {
      root = TableView[listInfo](demo) {
        columns ++= List(
          new TableColumn[listInfo, String] {
            text = "band"
            cellValueFactory = {_.value.text}
            prefWidth = 100
          new TableColumn[listInfo, String] {
            text = "thumbnail"
            cellValueFactory = {_.value.thumbnail}
            prefWidth = 100


has the following compiler error: 具有以下编译器错误:

Error:(20, 23) object TableView does not take type parameters.
      root = TableView[listInfo](demo) {
Error:(21, 9) not found: value columns
        columns ++= List(
Error:(24, 41) type mismatch;
 found   : String
 required: scalafx.beans.value.ObservableValue[String,String]
            cellValueFactory = {_.value.text}
Error:(29, 41) type mismatch;
 found   : String
 required: scalafx.beans.value.ObservableValue[String,String]
            cellValueFactory = {_.value.thumbnail}

my environment: 我的环境:

java 1.8 Java 1.8

scala 2.12 斯卡拉2.12

scalafx 2.11-8.0.144-R12 scalafx 2.11-8.0.144-R12

What should I correct, so that it compiles? 我应该纠正什么以便编译?

Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

import scalafx.application.JFXApp
import scalafx.beans.property.StringProperty
import scalafx.collections.ObservableBuffer
import scalafx.scene.Scene
import scalafx.scene.control.TableColumn._
import scalafx.scene.control.{ TableColumn, TableView }

object Gui extends JFXApp {
    case class ListInfo(_text: String, _subtexts: List[String], _thumbnail: String, _attributeField: Int) {
        val text = new StringProperty(this, "text", _text)
        val thumbnail = new StringProperty(this, "thumbnail", _thumbnail)

    val demo = ObservableBuffer[ListInfo](
        ListInfo("dewdfasc", List("first", "second"), "tdsam", 1),
        ListInfo("hgfhfghn", List("first", "second"), "tdsacdsm", 2)

    stage = new JFXApp.PrimaryStage {
        title.value = "ScalaFX Hello World"
        scene = new Scene {
            root = new TableView[ListInfo](demo) {
                columns ++= List(
                    new TableColumn[ListInfo, String] {
                        text = "band"
                         cellValueFactory = _.value.text
                         prefWidth = 100
                    new TableColumn[ListInfo, String] {
                        text = "thumbnail"
                        cellValueFactory = _.value.thumbnail
                        prefWidth = 100
  • Use uppercased types(eg ListInfo) 使用大写类型(例如ListInfo)
  • New keyboard is redundant when creating instanse of case class 创建即时案例类时,新键盘是多余的
  • cellValueFactory expecting scalafx.beans.value.ObservableValue[String,String] instead of string(see case class ListInfo val's) cellValueFactory期望使用scalafx.beans.value.ObservableValue [String,String]而不是字符串(请参阅案例类ListInfo val)

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