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每次单击分区按钮时,Mac 上的磁盘工具都会崩溃

[英]Disk Utility on Mac crashes every time when clicking partition button

I got an issue with my Disk Utility software.我的磁盘工具软件有问题。 Every time I click the partition button with my ssd selected, it just crashes.I got an error:每次我在选择了 ssd 的情况下单击分区按钮时,它都会崩溃。我收到一个错误:

Application Specific Information: Performing @selector(buttonPressed:) from sender NSButton 0x604000150490 Assertion failed: (self.minimumSize <= totalSize), function -[SUPieSlice initWithPartition:startLocation:totalSpace:], file /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/DiskUtility/DiskUtility-1646/StorageUtility/CustomUIWidgets/SUPieSlice.m, line 62.应用程序特定信息:从发件人 NSButton 0x604000150490 执行 @selector(buttonPressed:) 断言失败:(self.minimumSize <= totalSize),功能 -[SUPieSlice initWithPartition:startLocation:totalSpace:],文件 /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple .xbs/Sources/DiskUtility/DiskUtility-1646/StorageUtility/CustomUIWidgets/SUPieSlice.m,第 62 行。

I've looked around and tried some solutions:我环顾四周并尝试了一些解决方案:
Run the hard disk check and no help.运行硬盘检查并没有帮助。 I've got a warning我有一个警告

Warning: Over allocation detected on main device.警告:在主设备上检测到过度分配。

Reboot with Command + S and run fsck -fy.使用 Command + S 重新启动并运行 fsck -fy。
No help either.也没有帮助。
I'm using a macbook pro 15 2017 with macOS 10.13.4我正在使用带有 macOS 10.13.4 的 macbook pro 15 2017

diskutil list
diskutil output磁盘工具输出

(To the tune of "Let it Snow") (“让它下雪”的曲调)

I was suffering from the same problem.我遇到了同样的问题。 What finally helped was this: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/8092082最终有帮助的是: https : //discussions.apple.com/thread/8092082

In short: there was a dataless Time Machine snapshot on my drive, and deleting it fixed the problem with Disk Utility.简而言之:我的驱动器上有一个无数据的 Time Machine 快照,删除它可以解决磁盘工具的问题。

I had the same issue and it was because of a second unmounted sparse disk image I had to ensure was unlocked as well.我遇到了同样的问题,这是因为我还必须确保已解锁第二个未安装的稀疏磁盘映像。 Partitioning and access worked fine from DiskUtility after that.之后,DiskUtility 的分区和访问工作正常。

I had the same issue soon after creating a new, encrypted Time Machine volume.创建新的加密 Time Machine 卷后不久我就遇到了同样的问题。 One partition on the disk would mount but not the TM partition.将挂载磁盘上的一个分区,但不会挂载 TM 分区。 Not sure how I got in whatever state it was, but I restarted and the next time I plugged in the drive, I was asked for the password, and the Time Machine volume mounted.不知道我是如何进入任何状态的,但我重新启动,下次我插入驱动器时,我被要求输入密码,并安装了 Time Machine 卷。

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