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[英]double header stack navigation react-native

I am using a StackNavigator in react native app. 我在React Native应用程序中使用StackNavigator。 The problem is that in my app, it creates two headers ... 问题是在我的应用程序中,它创建了两个标题...


I would like to keep the upper one to go back from the screen. 我想保留上一个,使其从屏幕上退回。 Is it possible without recreate the back button manually ? 是否可以不手动重新创建后退按钮?

Screen: 屏幕:

class CommandsList extends React.Component {

    addCommand = () => {

    render() {
        return (
            <SafeAreaView style={{flex:1}}>
                <MyList itemsUrl="http://localhost:9000/commands"/>
                <Button title="Ajouter" onPress={this.addCommand}></Button>

export default StackNavigator({
    CommandsList : {
        screen : CommandsList,

EDIT : App.js 编辑:App.js

const navigationOptions = ({ navigation }) => ({headerLeft: <Icon name {'chevron-left'}  onPress={ () => { navigation.goBack() }} />})
const RootStack = StackNavigator(
        CommandsList: {
            screen: CommandsList,
        CreateCommand: {
            screen: CreateCommand,
        ListFournisseurs: {
            screen: ListFournisseurs,
        ListAffaires: {
            screen: ListAffaires,
        initialRouteName: 'CommandsList',

According to the docs, if you want to disable the header of the StackNavigator , you can apply the config at your StackNavigatorConfig as headerMode: 'none' . 根据文档,如果您要禁用StackNavigatorheader ,则可以在您的StackNavigatorConfig headerMode: 'none'配置应用为headerMode: 'none' It is back propagated from Child to Parent, if Parent is none then Child will also not be rendered. 它从子级 传播回 父级,如果父级不存在,则也不会渲染子级。

Therefore for a single header, in your case you should do 因此,对于单个标题,您应该这样做

export default StackNavigator({
    CommandsList : {
        screen : CommandsList,
}, {
  headerMode: 'none'

For the back button in the Parent Stack, you can create a component as 对于“父堆栈”中的“后退”按钮,您可以将组件创建为

const navigationOptions = ({ navigation }) => ({
    headerLeft: <Icon name={'arrow-left'} //<== Vector Icon Here
     onPress={ () => { navigation.goBack() }} />

const RootStack = StackNavigator(
  //... StackNavigatorConfigs,

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