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[英]Sorting an array of structs in C with pointers

I have a coding assignment for my CIS class. 我的CIS班有一个编码作业。 The assignment is to write a program the will create an array of structures that will hold information on at max 10 dogs. 任务是编写一个程序,它将创建一个结构数组,最多可容纳10条狗的信息。 At the end of the program, you are supposed to sort the array of dogs by either name or size. 在程序的最后,您应该按照名称或大小对狗的数组进行排序。 But I am unable to code the sorting of the array of dog. 但是我无法编码狗数组的排序。

I was wondering how to sort the array of dogs for later use in the main function. 我想知道如何对狗的数组进行排序以供以后在main函数中使用。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

struct Dog{
    char name[20];
    int weight;
    int age;
    int ageDogYears;
    char size[7];

typedef struct Dog DG;

void calc(DG[], int);
void sort(DG[], int);
void display();

int main(){
    DG dArray[10];
    int x = 0;
    char str[80], *i;

    FILE *inFile;

    inFile = fopen("dogfile.txt", "r");
    if (inFile == NULL){
        printf("Error opening file");

    while(fgets(str, 80,inFile) != NULL){
        i = strtok(str, ", ");
        strcpy(dArray[x].name, i);

        i = strtok(NULL, ", ");
        dArray[x].weight = atoi(i);
        printf("%d\n", dArray[x].weight);

        i = strtok(NULL, ", ");
        dArray[x].age = atoi(i);
        printf("%d\n", dArray[x].age);


    calc(dArray, x);

    sort(dArray, x);

    return 0;

void calc(DG dog[], int numDogs){
    int y, i, total;
    for(i = 0; i < numDogs; ++i){
        if(dog[i].weight <= 20){
            //sets the dog size to small
            strcpy(dog[i].size, "Small");

            for(y = 0; y < dog[i].age; ++y){
                if(y == 0)
                    total += 15;
                else if(y == 1)
                    total += 8;
                else if(y == 2)
                    total += 5;
                    total += 4;
        else if(dog[i].weight <= 50){
            //sets the dog size to medium
            strcpy(dog[i].size, "Medium");

            for(y = 0; y < dog[i].age; ++y){
                if(y == 0)
                    total += 14;
                else if(y == 1)
                    total += 9;
                else if(y == 2)
                    total += 7;
                    total += 5;
            //sets the dog size to Large
            strcpy(dog[i].size, "Large");

            for(y = 0; y < dog[i].age; ++y){
                if(y == 0)
                    total += 12;
                else if(y == 1)
                    total += 9;
                else if(y == 2)
                    total += 8;
                    total += 7;

        dog[i].ageDogYears = total;
        total = 0;

void sort(DG dog[], int numDogs){
    int sortType, i, y, temp;

    printf("\n wlould you like to sort by name(N) or size(S): ");
    scanf("%c", &sortType);

        case 'N': case 'n':
            for(i = 0; i < numDogs; ++i){
                for(y = 0; y < (numDogs); ++y){
                    if(dog[y].weight > dog[y+1].weight){
                        temp = dog[y];
                        dog[y] = dog[y + 1];
                        dog[y + 1] = temp;
            if((sortType != 's') && (sortType != 'S'))
                printf("\n invalid input! Setting sort type to size.");
        //sorting of dog names

Sample Input 样本输入

Fluffy,23,6 Fido,65,7 Pepper,44,5 Bowser,75,10 Victor,10,2 Sassy,51,1

Any help would be much appretated! 任何帮助将不胜感激! Thanks. 谢谢。

In my opinion, your error resides (despite of other comments I'll do below) in specifying %c as format descriptor to pass a pointer to int to match. 在我看来,您的错误存在(尽管我将在下面进行其他评论),尽管将%c指定为格式描述符以将指针传递给int进行匹配。 You have to pass a pointer to char to make scanf(3) to select the proper place to put the character into. 您必须传递一个指向char的指针以使scanf(3)选择将字符放入的适当位置。 You probably are not getting the right character or no character at all (this leads to Undefined Behaviour in your program) 您可能没有得到正确的字符或根本没有字符(这导致程序中的未定义行为)

Some other problems are that you are using the weight field of the structure when requested to sort by name (on n input char) and other errors like this. 其他一些问题是,当要求按名称(在n输入字符上)进行排序时,您正在使用结构的weight字段以及类似的其他错误。 This includes that you use y < (numDogs) in the inner loop limit condition (it must be y < (numDogs - 1) , or you'll compare the y -esim with the y+1 -esim element (out of array bounds) 这包括在内部循环限制条件中使用y < (numDogs) (必须为y < (numDogs - 1) ,或者将y -esim与y+1 -esim元素进行比较(超出数组范围) )

Also, as you are using the same algorithm for both sorting options, I should include the switch statement inside the inner loop (where you do the comparison) as doing otherwise will force you to copy the same sorting code twice (for the overall sorting algorithm), as in: 另外,由于两个排序选项都使用相同的算法 ,因此我应该在内部循环(进行比较)中包含switch语句,否则将迫使您两次复制相同的排序代码(对于整个排序算法),如:

for(i = 0; i < numDogs; ++i){
    for(y = 0; y < (numDogs - 1); ++y){
        int sortResultGreater;
        switch (sortType) {
        case 'n': case 'N':
             sortResultGreater = strcmp(dog[y].name, dog[y+1].name) > 0; 
        default: {  /* this should be done as soon as you know the sorting type, not here inside the loop, of course */
             static int not_already_printed = 1;
             if (not_already_printed) {
                 printf("Error, sortType must be [nNsS], defaulting to n\n");
                 not_already_printed = 0; /* so we don't get here again */
        } /* scope of not_already_printed finishes here */
        /* no break used here to fallback to the next case */
        case 's': case 'S':
             sortResultGreater = dog[y].weight > dog[y+1].weight; 
        } /* switch */
            temp = dog[y];
            dog[y] = dog[y + 1];
            dog[y + 1] = temp;

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