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[英]javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure only in server

I am trying to make an HTTP GET petition from Java in Oracle Sql Developer. 我正在尝试从Oracle Sql Developer中的Java发出HTTP GET请求。

In my computer all works fine. 在我的电脑上一切正常。

The only thing that doesn't work is when I access https subdomains it gives an SSLHandshakeException error (for example if I access https://www.example.com it works, but if I access https://subdomain.example.com it fails) 唯一不起作用的是,当我访问https子域时,它会发出SSLHandshakeException错误(例如,如果我访问https://www.example.com,则它会起作用,但是如果我访问https://subdomain.example.com ,则它会起作用)它失败)

What I did then was to add the certificate in Java caches and then it worked. 然后,我要做的是将证书添加到Java缓存中,然后它起作用了。

However when I do it on the server, to do it from SQL Developer using PL / SQL calling a Java function, it fails, and I have done the same thing with the certificate. 但是,当我在服务器上执行此操作时,使用调用Java函数的PL / SQL从SQL Developer执行此操作时,它将失败,并且对证书执行了相同的操作。

What I do not know is if you are referencing cacerts in the Java of sql developer, since in my machine if I had to refer to this (-Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore = C: \\ Oracle \\ Middleware \\ Oracle_Home \\ oracle_common \\ jdk \\ jre \\ lib \\ security \\ cacerts) 我不知道的是您是否在sql Developer的Java中引用cacerts,因为在我的机器上是否必须引用此证书(-Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore = C:\\ Oracle \\ Middleware \\ Oracle_Home \\ oracle_common \\ jdk \\ jre \\ lib \\ security \\ cacerts)

If I do in the Java code this keeps giving error: 如果我在Java代码中这样做,则会不断出现错误:

System.setProperty ("javax.net.ssl.trustStore", "/path/jdk/jdk6/lib/security/cacerts.jks");

How can I know if it is taking the certificates? 我怎么知道它是否在拿证书?

My machine: Java 1.7 and 1.8 works Server: Java 1.6 does not work 我的机器:Java 1.7和1.8可以工作服务器:Java 1.6不能工作

Greetings and thanks 问候和感谢

这是Java 6的问题,因此在Java 7和Java 8中都能完美运行。


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